makzumi / laravel-calendar

Flexible Calendar for Laravel 4
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Click next for next month, not working..... #2

Closed lstables closed 10 years ago

lstables commented 10 years ago

I have a problem, the calendar works but when navigating (in Laravel of course) for next and previous months I get this URI admin/employees/edit/?cdate=2014-07 but the last segment doesn't seem to work.

Any idea's?

Cheers, Lee

ztyankov commented 10 years ago

Hi Lee, what do you mean by it doesn't work?

To make the calendar take into account the cdate variable, you need to look for it and set it before you generate the new calendar. Here is an example:

$date = Input::get('cdate'); // You should sanitize the data here. $cal = Calendar::make(); $cal->setDate($date); $data['calendar'] = $cal->generate();

and then you pass the data array to your view.

lstables commented 10 years ago

Sorry doesn't work was the wrong thing to say I mean what does or where does the date var come from

ztyankov commented 10 years ago

You need to pick it up from the $GET array, in Laravel, you do that with Input::get('name_of_variable'). Or in this case: $date = Input::get('cdate');

lstables commented 10 years ago

Oh right I see sorry I misunderstood the docs

ztyankov commented 10 years ago

No worries. I'm glad I could help.

lstables commented 10 years ago

Sorry again but what should this be set as or is this part of the package again looks like am misunderstanding something here ;)

ztyankov commented 10 years ago

What do you mean by "this"? Did you skip posting something?

lstables commented 10 years ago

No no worries I'll figure it out

lstables commented 10 years ago

Sorry again, but where is the Input::get('cdate') set where does this come from?

ztyankov commented 10 years ago

When you're preparing the data for the view, you need to get and set the cdate. For testing purposes I put that in my controller. Input::get is the Laravel way of getting data from a form or other input like a url (

When you click left or write to move to a different month/date, you're using the same controller and the same view, but this time the url has some parameters that you need to use. So you need to get the date, regenerate the calendar view and submit it to the view.

lstables commented 10 years ago

Yes I understand the Input method but get what the date('Y') ?

ztyankov commented 10 years ago

This is your URL: admin/employees/edit/?cdate=2014-07

You want to get the variable called cdate with a value of 2014-07. So you do that with Input::get('cdate'); If the parameter was called mydate, as in ?mydate=2014-07, you would do Input::get('mydate'). Does this make more sense?

lstables commented 10 years ago

Which is what it is getting admin/employees/edit/?cdate=2014-07 but i just get a blank page when moving through the months

lstables commented 10 years ago

Full code

$cal = Calendar::make();

    $cal->setDate(Input::get('cdate')); //Set starting date
    $cal->setBasePath('/admin/employees/edit/'); // Base path for navigation URLs
    $cal->showNav(true); // Show or hide navigation
    $cal->setView(Input::get('cv')); //'day' or 'week' or null
    $cal->setStartEndHours(8,20); // Set the hour range for day and week view
    $cal->setTimeClass('ctime'); //Class Name for times column on day and week views
    $cal->setEventsWrap(array('<p style="font-weight: bold; color: #258DBA; width: 20%;">', '</p>')); // Set the event's content wrapper
    $cal->setDayWrap(array('<div style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;">','</div>')); //Set the day's number wrapper
    $cal->setNextIcon('<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>'); //Can also be html: <i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i>
    $cal->setPrevIcon('<i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>'); // Same as above
    $cal->setDayLabels(array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat')); //Label names for week days
    $cal->setMonthLabels(array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')); //Month names
    $cal->setEvents($new_events); // Receives the events array
    $calendar = $cal->generate();
ztyankov commented 10 years ago

If you're getting a blank page, you might not be passing the data to the view correctly. Can you post some of your code in

How are you passing $calendar to the view?

lstables commented 10 years ago calendar is passed to the view

then the view is -

ztyankov commented 10 years ago

The code looks fine. When you move through the months do you see the Employees Create Event form at all?

What is the initial URL for accessing that page?

lstables commented 10 years ago

When I first go to the calendar tab I get this

Then when I click next month (july) I get this

ztyankov commented 10 years ago

In the first view you have /edit/1. Is that "1" an employee ID? That's missing in the 2nd url.

Try going to: If this works, then you'll need to update the base path to $cal->setBasePath('/admin/employees/edit/' + $employeeID); Where employeeID is something that you can get in your controller.

lstables commented 10 years ago

Yes that worked, so I was missing the URI edit number then, I'll amend my controller to do this, thanks man.

ztyankov commented 10 years ago

Nice! You're welcome.

lstables commented 10 years ago

Yep $cal->setBasePath('/admin/employees/edit/' + $id); worked a treat, thanks again dude!