mal-lang / coreLang

A probabilistic attack simulation language for the (abstract) IT domain
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Homogenise Defence Behaviour #76

Closed andrewbwm closed 2 years ago

andrewbwm commented 2 years ago

We should come up with a way of handling how defences behave that is homogeneous and consistent. This conversation cropped up due to the fact that some defences have explicit bypass attack steps.

After a conversation between @skatsikeas and myself we've decided the following:

Speculative defences imply the following:

Innately imperfect defence imply the following:

andrewbwm commented 2 years ago

Here is a sketch cataloguing of the current state of defences in the language. SoftwareVulnerability and HardwareVulnerability defences were omitted because of their specialised purpose in depicting CVSS scores.

Legend: imperfect - some sort of innate bypass is possible speculative - used to speculate about potential attack vectors

- description E existing implementation + suggested addition \? uncertain classification/suggestion

    # supplyChainAuditing
        - imperfect
        + innately bypassable

    # hardwareModifications
        - imperfect
        E bypassable via supplyChainAttack

    # disabled
        - speculative

    # supplyChainAuditing
        - imperfect
        + innately bypassable

    # effectiveness
        - imperfect
        - speculative
        E bypassable via fullAccess
        + innately bypassable

    # dataNotPresent
        - speculative

    # disabled
        - speculative

    # notDisclosed
        ? speculative

    # notGuessable
        ? technically imperfect, but not worth worrying about most likely

    # unique

    # notPhishable
        ? maybe a little imperfect, since you can steal digitised
          biometrics/key cards, but probably does not apply

    # noPasswordReuse

    # securityAwareness
        - imperfect
        ? speculative
        + innately bypassable

    # networkAccessControl
        - imperfect
        E bypassable via physicalAccess
        + innately bypassable

    # eavesdropDefense
        - imperfect
        E innately bypassable

    # manInTheMiddleDefense
        - imperfect
        E innately bypassable

    # restricted
        - speculative
        - imperfect
        + innately bypassable

    # payloadInspection
        - imperfect
        + innately bypassable

    # remove
        - speculative
andrewbwm commented 2 years ago

Conclusions after the coreLang weekly meeting on the 4th of May.

We will keep both non-bypassable and bypassable defences. Classify defences as default/regular and explain that a subset of them are bypassable. Pick reasonable probabilities for the bypasses.

Do not separate defences into two components, bypassable and non-bypassable, but mention explicitly that the bypass attack steps can be changed by the modeller by tuning the probability distributions associated with them.

We have yet to decided whether or not we wish to split some of the existing defences that are cognitively overloaded or not.

andrewbwm commented 2 years ago

Updated and simplified cataloging for the defences.

Unconditionally bypassable defences require an automatic bypass that allows the attack step to trigger even when the defence is enabled.


- description E existing implementation + suggested addition \? uncertain classification/suggestion

    # supplyChainAuditing
        + automatic bypass

    # hardwareModifications
        E bypassable via supplyChainAttack
        + automatic bypass

    # disabled

    # supplyChainAuditing
        + automatic bypass

    # effectiveness
        E bypassable via fullAccess
        + automatic bypass

    # dataNotPresent

    # disabled

    # notDisclosed

    # notGuessable
        ? technically unconditionally bypassable, but not worth worrying about most likely

    # unique

    # notPhishable
        ? maybe a little unconditionally bypassable, since you can steal digitised
          biometrics/key cards, but probably does not apply

    # noPasswordReuse

    # securityAwareness
        + automatic bypass

    # networkAccessControl
        E bypassable via physicalAccess
        + automatic bypass

    # eavesdropDefense
        - automatic bypass

    # manInTheMiddleDefense
        - automatic bypass

    # restricted
        + automatic bypass

    # payloadInspection
        + automatic bypass

    # remove
andrewbwm commented 2 years ago

We have yet to decided whether or not we wish to split some of the existing defences that are cognitively overloaded or not.

After the May 18th meeting we've decided to not split the polysemantic defences(effectiveness on IDPS and restricted on ConnectionRule). Since the modeller is expected to tune the values of the bypass attack steps they can also adjust it to fit the way they wish to use the defence.