mal-lang / coreLang

A probabilistic attack simulation language for the (abstract) IT domain
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Introduce Dependence Association Between Applications and Data/Information. #86

Closed andrewbwm closed 2 years ago

andrewbwm commented 2 years ago

Introduce Dependence Association Between Applications and Data/Information.

This association is used to represent various situations where the operations of the Application are impacted by Writing/Denying the Data/Information it depends upon. Examples of this type of behaviour are configurations, plugins, libraries, or other input data that is critical to the purpose of the software component represented by the Application.

This association should only be used for circumstances where the workflow of the Application is not altered, but the Data/Information are modified within the regular operating process. For situations where abnormal behaviour is induced to impact the Application SoftwareVulnerabilities should be used instead.

andrewbwm commented 2 years ago

I approve this enhancement. My only note is that if we find a better name (than "dependence") for the association, we can use that in the future.

I agree with this and I have asked for a better name, but we could not come up with one at this time. As a side note, if we determine that this association is too semantically overloaded we could create multiple(preferably not too many) associations that all behave the same functionally, but just have different names for legibility purposes.