mal / docker-for-mac-host-bridge

Host-accessible containers with Docker for Mac
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Failed to connect to container #10

Closed bullfly66 closed 2 years ago

bullfly66 commented 6 years ago

My test result is that Failed to connect to container when i excecute curl -I container_ip I don't know what caused this

Thank you

My list of steps:

##### 1.install tuntaposx #######
╭─bullfly at npc in ~/Downloads/tuntap_20150118 using
╰─○ ls -lh /dev/tap*
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,   0  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap0
crw-rw----  1 bullfly  wheel   38,   1  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap1
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,  10  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap10
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,  11  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap11
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,  12  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap12
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,  13  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap13
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,  14  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap14
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,  15  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap15
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,   2  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap2
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,   3  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap3
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,   4  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap4
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,   5  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap5
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,   6  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap6
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,   7  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap7
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,   8  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap8
crw-rw----  1 root     wheel   38,   9  8 13 11:39 /dev/tap9

##### 2.DOCKER_TAP_NETWORK=acme ./ tuntap_20150118.pkg ######
╭─bullfly at npc in ~/Downloads/tuntap_20150118 using
╰─○ DOCKER_TAP_NETWORK=acme ./ tuntap_20150118.pkg
Install tuntap kernel extension
installer: Package name is TunTap Installer package
installer: Upgrading at base path /
installer: The upgrade was successful.
Ensure tap extension is loaded
Permit non-root usage of tap1 device
Bridge tap into docker network
Assign the network gateway IP to the tap interface
ifconfig: interface tap1 does not exist

################   3.ifconfig       ############
  ether 12:5d:50:4d:40:02
  media: autoselect
  status: active
  open (pid 3624)

################ 4.restart docker ############

##### 5.DOCKER_TAP_NETWORK=acme ./ tuntap_20150118.pkg ######
╭─bullfly at npc in ~/Downloads/tuntap_20150118 using
╰─○ DOCKER_TAP_NETWORK=acme ./ tuntap_20150118.pkg
Bridge tap into docker network
Assign the network gateway IP to the tap interface

################   6.ifconfig       ############
  ether 12:5d:50:4d:40:02
  inet netmask 0xffff0000 broadcast
  media: autoselect
  status: active
  open (pid 3624)

##### 7.docker container run -d --net acme --rm nginx:alpine #####
╭─bullfly at npc in ~/Downloads/tuntap_20150118 using
╰─○ docker container run -d --net acme --rm nginx:alpine

##### 8. get container  ip #####
╭─bullfly at npc in ~/Downloads/tuntap_20150118 using
╰─○ docker container inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.Networks.acme.IPAddress}}' 47096aee5d1df7c

#### 9. docker ps #####
╭─bullfly at npc in ~/Downloads/tuntap_20150118 using
╰─○ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
47096aee5d1d        nginx:alpine        "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes        80/tcp              hopeful_jang

##### 10. test container port 80 #######
╭─bullfly at npc in ~/Downloads/tuntap_20150118 using
╰─○ curl -I
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Operation timed out
AlvaWymer commented 5 years ago

me too

mal commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the huge delay in response, this totally fell off my radar! 😧

Interestingly I'm not seeing the log output from the install_hyperkit_shim in your example, which suggests that the installer thinks it's already installed. Only thing I can think to suggest is to attempt to uninstall the shim with the script below, and then try running again and restarting docker when it prompts to do so.

mv -v /Applications/{.real,}
mv -v /Applications/{.real,}
mv -v /Applications/{.real,}

As an aside, I'm afraid I'm no longer in a position to be able to debug this to any greater extent, as (partly due to this docker limitation) the dev team I built this to support has moved over completely to linux and I no longer have access to a Mac on which to test it.

mal commented 5 years ago

It's also possible that this fork by @remysaissy might be of interest as it looks like they've added a change to support newer versions of DfM which have moved the tty used to bridge the tap device into the docker network.