When editing a row of the table, a modal should appear with the information from that row, free to edit as a form. Once the row is updated with the information inside the modal, there will be a toast notification in the bottom right (you can find a toast notification libaray somewhere online) that displays the edit was successful.
When editing a row of the table, a modal should appear with the information from that row, free to edit as a form. Once the row is updated with the information inside the modal, there will be a toast notification in the bottom right (you can find a toast notification libaray somewhere online) that displays the edit was successful.
Figma: https://www.figma.com/design/XqP2VJhBDqmEfPYNvSFMUq/DevFest-Admin?node-id=0-1&t=To5MQXiTiyJ09SG8-1