malcantara86 / covidtracker

This is an activity/contact tracing application that will help authorities to track your activities and contacts in the event you will be found positive on Covid-19.
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From Tracing to Preemption #1

Open DavidStodolsky opened 4 years ago

DavidStodolsky commented 4 years ago

TraceTogether allows a contact tracing team to identify and notify new people in as little as a couple of hours. However, getting to those new people is still a manual task. What I suggested is that getting the info to new people also be made automatic. In the published paper this requires full and voluntary cooperation by all users. In the “From Tracing to Preemption” document, I suggest a peer enforcement mechanism. This involves some security/privacy issues. However, as the China and S. Korea response showed, the concern about privacy has not been that important, at least in those countries.

wickywaka commented 4 years ago

Another relevant project