malcolmwallace / cpphs

The C pre-processor, implemented in Haskell.
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cpphs 1.20.5 broken when using GHC 8.2.1 on Windows #11

Closed asr closed 7 years ago

asr commented 7 years ago

On Linux, Installing Agda with cpphs 1.20.4, I got a large number of messages of the following shape:

$ cabal get Agda
$ cd Agda
$ cabal install
Warning: Can't find file "/usr/local/stow/ghc-8.0.2/lib/ghc-8.0.2/include/ghcversion.h" in directories

  Asked for by: src/full/Agda/Auto/Auto.hs  at line 2 col 1

I didn't get those warning when using cpphs 1.20.3.


domenkozar commented 7 years ago

What version of directory do you have? Try with

asr commented 7 years ago

What version of directory do you have?

GHC 8.0.2 and directory

Try with

I got the same warning after installing cpphs 1.20.4 with directory

asr commented 7 years ago


$ cat Test.hs

module Main where

#define FOO 1

#ifdef FOO
foo = 42

main = print foo
$ ghc -cpp -pgmPcpphs -optP--cpp Test.hs 
Warning: Can't find file "/usr/local/stow/ghc-8.0.2/lib/ghc-8.0.2/include/ghcversion.h" in directories

  Asked for by: Test.hs  at line 1 col 1
jmitchell commented 7 years ago

Due to issue #9, the most recent suggestion is to apply this patch

@asr, for the next few days I'm unable to do any testing, but you could try filing a PR to if you want to test particular behaviors of the proposed patch.

jmitchell commented 7 years ago

Currently awaiting final approval and merge from @malcolmwallace. See

asr commented 7 years ago

Due to issue #9, the most recent suggestion is to apply this patch

I tested the above patch on Linux using GHC 8.0.2 and it also fix this issue. Thanks @jmitchell.

RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

This is an especially serious problem on GHC 8.2.1, since include/ghcversions.h is the only place where __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ is defined. In other words, using GHC 8.2.1 and cpphs-1.20.4 together on any code that relies on preprocessing __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ is totally broken at the moment. See

I've confirmed that applying @jmitchell's patch in makes GHC 8.2.1 work with cpphs-1.20.4 again.

@malcolmwallace, can we please get another release of cpphs with this fix? Without it, it is impossible to build many libraries (including Agda) using GHC 8.2.1.

asr commented 7 years ago


malcolmwallace commented 7 years ago

I would like to withdraw cpphs-1.20.4 from Hackage, rolling back to 1.20.3 as the latest version. However, I can't work out a way to do that.

RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

@malcolmwallace: You can deprecate releases on Hackage on going to the cpphs page, clicking "edit package information" (about halfway towards the bottom), then clicking "Preferred versions", and then clicking the button corresponding to the 1.20.4 release under "Deprecated versions" and clicking "Set status".

But even if you do that, I still urge you to make a new release with the patch in If you roll back to cpphs-1.20.3, then this GHC 8.2.1 issue will still be present, but it will be on Windows only (as originally reported in #8).

malcolmwallace commented 7 years ago

Excellent. Thanks for the simple guide to deprecating a package release on Hackage. I did also make a fresh release 1.20.5, which is identical to 1.20.3 in all but version number.

domenkozar commented 7 years ago

@malcolmwallace would you be willing to migrate to github so we can setup linux/windows/macos CI? To prevent such issues in the future.

RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

@malcolmwallace: As I feared, cpphs-1.20.5 is completely broken when using GHC 8.2.1 (or HEAD) on Windows. Here is the error you get when trying to compile this file:

module Bug where

foo :: Int
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
foo = 42
foo = "wrong type"

with cpphs-1.20.5 on GHC HEAD on Windows:

$ ../../../Software/ghc/inplace/bin/ghc-stage2.exe Bug.hs -pgmP cpphs -optP --cpp
Warning: Can't find file "C:/Users/RyanGlScott/Software/ghc/includes\ghcversion.h" in directories
  Asked for by: Bug.hs  at line 1 col 1
[1 of 1] Compiling Bug              ( Bug.hs, Bug.o )

Bug.hs:8:7: error:
    * Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `[Char]'
    * In the expression: "wrong type"
      In an equation for `foo': foo = "wrong type"
8 | foo = "wrong type"
  |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^
RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

You can fix the issue by applying the following changes to cpphs-1.20.5:

diff --git a/Language/Preprocessor/Cpphs/ReadFirst.hs b/Language/Preprocessor/Cpphs/ReadFirst.hs
index 4cfdeb3..3a608c2 100644
--- a/Language/Preprocessor/Cpphs/ReadFirst.hs
+++ b/Language/Preprocessor/Cpphs/ReadFirst.hs
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs.ReadFirst

 import System.IO
 import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
+import System.FilePath  (isRelative, (</>))
 import Data.List        (intersperse)
 import Control.Exception as E
 import Control.Monad    (when)
@@ -36,27 +37,35 @@ readFirst :: String             -- ^ filename
               , String
               )                 -- ^ discovered filepath, and file contents

-readFirst name demand path warn =
-    case name of
-       nm@(c:':':_) -> try nm [""]  -- Windows absolute path
-       '/':nm -> try nm   [""]
-       _      -> try name (cons dd (".":path))
+readFirst name demand paths warn = do
+  case (isRelative name, directory demand) of
+    (False, _) -> try name []
+    (_, "") -> try name (".":paths)
+    (_, dd) -> try name (dd:".":paths)
-    dd = directory demand
-    cons x xs = if null x then xs else x:xs
-    try name [] = do
-        when warn $
+    try name ds = do
+      file <- findFile ds name
+      case file of
+        Just f -> do
+          content <- readFileUTF8 f
+          return (f,content)
+        Nothing -> do
           hPutStrLn stderr ("Warning: Can't find file \""++name
                            ++"\" in directories\n\t"
-                           ++concat (intersperse "\n\t" (cons dd (".":path)))
+                           ++concat (intersperse "\n\t" ds)
                            ++"\n  Asked for by: "++show demand)
-        return ("missing file: "++name,"")
-    try name (p:ps) = do
-        let file = cleanPath p++'/':cleanPath name
-        ok <- doesFileExist file
-        if not ok then try name ps
-          else do content <- readFileUTF8 file
-                  return (file,content)
+          return ("missing file: "++name,"")
+    findFile [] fname = do
+      exists <- doesFileExist fname
+      if (not $ isRelative fname) && exists
+        then do return $ Just fname
+        else do return Nothing
+    findFile (d:ds) fname = do
+      let path = d </> fname
+      exists <- doesFileExist path
+      if exists
+        then do return $ Just path
+        else findFile ds fname

 readFileUTF8 :: FilePath -> IO String
 readFileUTF8 file = do
diff --git a/cpphs.cabal b/cpphs.cabal
index 4aa45f0..85c3ecb 100644
--- a/cpphs.cabal
+++ b/cpphs.cabal
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Build-type: Simple
 Extra-Source-Files: README, LICENCE-GPL, LICENCE-commercial, CHANGELOG, docs/cpphs.1, docs/index.html

-    Build-Depends: base>3&&<6, old-locale, old-time, directory, polyparse>=1.9
+    Build-Depends: base>3&&<6, old-locale, old-time, directory, filepath, polyparse>=1.9
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Library

 Executable cpphs
-    Build-Depends: base>3&&<6, old-locale, old-time, directory, polyparse>=1.9
+    Build-Depends: base>3&&<6, old-locale, old-time, directory, filepath, polyparse>=1.9
     Main-Is: cpphs.hs

I wasn't able to make a darcs patch, since the code located at is out of date (it's still on version 1.20.4).

RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

Any update on this, @malcolmwallace? cpphs is still completely broken for me on GHC 8.2 because of this issue.

malcolmwallace commented 7 years ago

OK, so I am deeply confused about what exactly is the issue here. I do not have ghc-8.2, and for the sake of clarity, I think the best characterisation of the bug report would be a minimal single-module example, with a literal #include that fails. I tried the MWE example above, but it works for me with ghc-7.6.1 and cpphs-1.20.6, possibly because the example has no #include and relies on ghc to supply one.

RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

OK, so there are a couple of factors here.

This issue is only present on GHC 8.2 or later, ever since this GHC commit dropped a redundant (re)definition of the __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ macro. Now, the only place it is defined is in include/ghcversion.h (or include\ghcversion.h on Windows), so it is crucial that cpphs be able to find this file.

Now on Linux, this works still happens to work with GHC 8.2. But on Windows it doesn't, because findFile isn't properly designed to handle Windows-style path separators, which is why all of these warnings mention include\ghcversion.h with a backslash, not a forward slash. (Before, it only worked on Windows due to a fluke, since __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ happened to be defined twice, and cpphs miraculously picked it up. But in GHC 8.2, you can't rely on that fluke anymore.)

So again, this is in fact a minimal working example:

module Bug where

foo :: Int
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
foo = 42
foo = "wrong type"

But it will only fail with Windows on GHC 8.2.

The fix is to simply patch findFile to be Windows-aware, which I describe how to do in

RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to create a test case which reproduces the issue on Linux, since if you put #include "include\ghcversion.h" in a file and pass it to cpphs, then it will simply be normalized to include/ghcversion.h (obviously, this doesn't happen on Windows).

malcolmwallace commented 7 years ago

I'm still a bit confused, because cpphs does not use findFile. However, I think I managed to come up with a simpler example that fails with any ghc, and involves Windows drive letters:

include "C:/workspace/ext/ghc-7.8.4/lib/include/ghcconfig.h"

The problem was that my readFirst function was inserting a leading slash in front of the drive letter. I have pushed a fix which seems to work for me, as cpphs-1.20.7. Please give it a try.

RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

That still doesn't work for me:

$ ~/Software/ghc-8.2.1-rc2/bin/ghc Bug.hs -pgmP cpphs -optP --cpp
Warning: Can't find file "\Users\RyanGlScott\Software\ghc-8.2.1-rc2\lib/include\ghcversion.h" in directories
  Asked for by: Bug.hs  at line 1 col 1
[1 of 1] Compiling Bug              ( Bug.hs, Bug.o )

Bug.hs:8:7: error:
    * Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `[Char]'
    * In the expression: "wrong type"
      In an equation for `foo': foo = "wrong type"
8 | foo = "wrong type"
  |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^

$ cpphs --version
cpphs.exe 1.20.7

The only difference is now it warns about \Users\RyanGlScott\Software\ghc-8.2.1-rc2\lib/include\ghcversion.h. instead of C:/Users/RyanGlScott/Software/ghc/includes\ghcversion.h.

I'm still a bit confused, because cpphs does not use findFile.

Sorry, I meant to refer to readFirst there. I mentioned findFile since the solution to this problem is to backport the findFile function that was introduced in a fairly recent version of filepath and use it in readFirst, as shown in

malcolmwallace commented 7 years ago

RIght. I forgot a case (leading backslash). Try 1.20.8?

RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

Things appear to be working with cpphs-1.20.8. (I also built Agda successfully with it, just to be sure.)

Thanks, @malcolmwallace!

asr commented 7 years ago

I also built Agda on Linux without problems. Thanks @malcolmwallace and @RyanGlScott.

asr commented 7 years ago

Why not marked as deprecated versions 1.20.5, 1.20.6 and 1.20.7 in Hackage? It would avoid to report some unnecessary issues here and everywhere.