Closed wow-such-amazing closed 6 years ago
Also why not to use performBatchUpdates on tableView here instead of begin/end updates?
self.sections.enumerated().forEach { (idx,newSection) in
if let oldSectionItems = oldItemsInSections[newSection.UUID] {
let diffData = diff(old: (oldSectionItems as! [AnyHashable]), new: (newSection.models as! [AnyHashable]))
let itemChanges = SectionItemsChanges.create(fromChanges: diffData, section: idx)
itemChanges.applyChangesToSectionItems(ofTable: self.tableView, withAnimations: animationsToPerform)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.25, execute: { onEnd?() })
And thanks a lot for your awesome job 👍
I second this idea.
Right now I kind of divide this logic by either creating an extension of my viewcontroller(s) in separate file (with the director logic there) or a separate class for managing a director. The latter being more troublesome however.
@crabman448 It's a nice idea but what you need specifically? I've tried to implement it right now and it works fine with the example. What's wrong with this?
public class ArticleAdapter: TableAdapter<Article,TableArticleCell> {
init() {
self.on.dequeue = { ctx in
ctx.cell?.titleLabel?.text = ctx.model.title
ctx.cell?.subtitleLabel?.text = ctx.model.text
self.on.tap = { ctx in
print("Tapped on article \(")
return .deselectAnimated
@crabman448 regarding the performBatchUpdates()
we surely implement it but I need to add a #if available(iOS 11.0,*)
because it's available only since iOS 11 or later.
@malcommac Hm, I have this error and warning when I try to create an adapter. And this error looks reasonable)
In the example project the sources of the FlowKit are in the same module and that's why you can subclass it, I suppose
Yeah I think you're right; it should be enough to mark the class as open
leaving functions and properties not open. Or you think some of these should be open to subclass?
I think it should be enough 👍
975be471 TableAdapter and CollectionAdapter are now open for subclassing
My suggestion is to add possibility to subclass TableAdapter or CollectionAdapter in order to create our own subclasses for specific cells and models. This way we will be able to separate this logic from the controller to different class and reuse this class everywhere. Of course, we can create a factory for often used adapters and return them from it. But it seems to be clearer and easier to subclass and then use it. To make it kind of like this:
What do you think about this idea?