malhal / CloudKit-PHP

For server-to-server comms from PHP to CloudKit.
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do not get it with your example #4

Open hamburger123456 opened 7 years ago

hamburger123456 commented 7 years ago

Hello, I'am new in CloudKit. I got the error message:

object(CloudKit\QueryResponse)#5 (2) { ["records":"CloudKit\RecordsResponse":private]=> NULL ["errors":protected]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(CloudKit\CKError)#6 (5) { ["serverErrorCode":"CloudKit\CKError":private]=> string(11) "BAD_REQUEST" ["reason":"CloudKit\CKError":private]=> string(50) "Did not find field: 'recordName' in type: 'Poodle'" ["recordName":"CloudKit\CKError":private]=> NULL ["uuid":"CloudKit\CKError":private]=> string(36) "5253a314-301d-4b21-b4aa-96e940273ab2" ["retryAfter":"CloudKit\CKError":private]=> NULL } } }
Did not find field: 'recordName' in type: 'Poodle'

my code is:

$query = new Query("Poodle");
$response = $container->getPublicCloudDatabase()->performQuery($query, [ 'resultsLimit' => 1 ]);

the login (container) works fine.

whats wrong here? My traget is to get all fields for the record name. thx for any hint in advance