malijs / mali

A minimalistic gRPC microservice framework for Node.js
Apache License 2.0
883 stars 60 forks source link

Benchmarks #271

Open HsinHeng opened 2 years ago

HsinHeng commented 2 years ago

First, thanks contributors creating this awesome and useful framework for grpc.

Currently, there are several frameworks like nest.js, firecomm, condor... support grpc.

It is interested to know, is malijs performance closed to native @grpc/grpc-js? Does anyone has benchmarks?

If Mali performamce is closed to native @grcp/grpc-js. We will use it more confidently.

Framework Version Unary Requests/sec
anonrig commented 2 years ago


Thank you for the issue. Even though we don't have an exact benchmark for Mali, with the recent optimizations in the last 2 versions of Mali, I can easily say that Mali is a performant grpc microservice framework. I would like to create a benchmark for these frameworks and compare them to Mali but unfortunately, I'll be moving to NYC and I'm swamped with personal issues.

anonrig commented 2 years ago

It seems that Firecomm and Condor is outdated and abandoned. Since nest.js is not a gRPC framework it would be unnecessary to compare with Mali.

HsinHeng commented 2 years ago


Thank you for the issue. Even though we don't have an exact benchmark for Mali, with the recent optimizations in the last 2 versions of Mali, I can easily say that Mali is a performant grpc microservice framework. I would like to create a benchmark for these frameworks and compare them to Mali but unfortunately, I'll be moving to NYC and I'm swamped with personal issues.

Thanks for your reply. Maybe we can just compare mali with native @grpc/grpc-js. We can provide some result & sample code here if we have free time.

CovertCode commented 2 years ago

Despite of the benchmarks I think its still better to use gRPC-js or malijs for backend to backend communication instead of REST. gRPC still outperforms for this.