Declared parameters may have a type and/or a default value:
source: my_source(param is 1) is ...
source: my_source(param::number is 1 + 1) is ...
Error: source: my_source(param) is ... because it has neither a type nor a default value
Types may be any of the normal field types: string, number, date, timestamp, or boolean
Error: source: my_source(param is null) because null is not a "regular" Malloy type
A default value of null may be specified either by specifying a type and default value null or specifying a casted null
source: my_source(param::string is null)
source: my_source(param is null::string)
Source usages may specify parameters:
run: my_source(param is 1) -> ...
Error: run: my_source(1) because parameter names are required
If a parameter has a default value, it need not be specified:
source: my_source(param is 1) is ...
run: my_source -> { ... } // Ok
run: my_source() -> { ... } // Ok
run: my_source(param is 2) -> { ... } // Ok
If a parameter does not have a default value, it must be specified
Passing 0 params is equivalent to not passing params, so a source without parameters may be invoked run: no_params_source() -> { ... }
New Semantics
Parameters are only inherited from one source to an extended source explicitly:
source: my_source(param is 1) is ...
source: ext_source_1 is my_source(param is 1) // No parameters
source: ext_source_2(param::number) is my_source(param) // One parameter, but without default value
Constant expressions are allowed anywhere where sources can be invoked
run: my_source(param is 1 + 1)
source: new_source is my_source(param is concat("foo", "bar"))
join_one: my_source is my_source(param is 1) on ...
query: my_query is my_source(param is 1) -> ...
Parameters can only be used in a few limited places:
In source invocations in source declarations:
source: ext_source(ext_param::string) is my_source(param is ext_param) extend ...
Convenience syntax: my_source(param) is sugar for my_source(param is param):
source: ext_source(param::string) is my_source(param) extend ...
In source invocations in join declarations
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { join_one: other_source is other_source(param) ... }
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { join_one: other_source with param = other_source.value }
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { join_one: other_source on param }
In dimension/measure expressions defined in the source:
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { dimension: param_value is param }
source: my_source(param::number) is ... { measure: count_times_param is count() * param }
This includes in SQL functions: dimension: x is sql_number("${ param }") (note this requires the sql_functions experiment)
In the first stage of views defined in the source:
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { view: my_view is { group_by: param } }
This includes nests:
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { view: my_view is { nest: x is { group_by: param } } }
Parameters cannot be used in the following places (and likely will not in the future):
Anywhere outside of the initial source declaration
Error: run: my_source(param is 1) -> { group_by: param }
Parameters cannot be used in the following places (but likely will in the future):
In subsequent stages of views defined in the source:
Error: source: my_src(param::string) is ... { view: my_view is { ... } -> { group_by: param } }
In the sources of queries used to define sources or joins:
Error: source: my_source(param is 1) is base_source(param) -> { ... }
Error: source: my_source(param is 1) ... { join_one: joined is other(param) -> { ... } on ...
In SQL sources:
Error: source: my_source(param is 1) is conn.sql("""%{ other(param) -> { ... } }""")
Error: source: my_source(param is 1) is conn.sql("SELECT * ... WHERE %{ param } = 1")
Parameters cannot currently be annotated (but they likely will be in the future)
Introduces a new experiment:
##! experimental.parameters
source: my_source(param::string is "default") is ...
run: my_source(param is "value") -> { ... }
For known bugs, see below.
New Syntax
Sources can be declared with parameters:
source: my_source(param::string) is ...
Declared parameters may have a type and/or a default value:
source: my_source(param is 1) is ...
source: my_source(param::number is 1 + 1) is ...
source: my_source(param) is ...
because it has neither a type nor a default valuestring
, orboolean
source: my_source(param is null)
is not a "regular" Malloy typenull
or specifying a casted nullsource: my_source(param::string is null)
source: my_source(param is null::string)
Source usages may specify parameters:
run: my_source(param is 1) -> ...
run: my_source(1)
because parameter names are requiredrun: no_params_source() -> { ... }
New Semantics
Parameters are only inherited from one source to an extended source explicitly:
Constant expressions are allowed anywhere where sources can be invoked
run: my_source(param is 1 + 1)
source: new_source is my_source(param is concat("foo", "bar"))
join_one: my_source is my_source(param is 1) on ...
query: my_query is my_source(param is 1) -> ...
Parameters can only be used in a few limited places:
source: ext_source(ext_param::string) is my_source(param is ext_param) extend ...
is sugar formy_source(param is param)
:source: ext_source(param::string) is my_source(param) extend ...
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { join_one: other_source is other_source(param) ... }
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { join_one: other_source with param = other_source.value }
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { join_one: other_source on param }
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { dimension: param_value is param }
source: my_source(param::number) is ... { measure: count_times_param is count() * param }
dimension: x is sql_number("${ param }")
(note this requires thesql_functions
experiment)source: my_source(param::string) is ... { view: my_view is { group_by: param } }
source: my_source(param::string) is ... { view: my_view is { nest: x is { group_by: param } } }
Parameters cannot be used in the following places (and likely will not in the future):
run: my_source(param is 1) -> { group_by: param }
Parameters cannot be used in the following places (but likely will in the future):
source: my_src(param::string) is ... { view: my_view is { ... } -> { group_by: param } }
source: my_source(param is 1) is base_source(param) -> { ... }
source: my_source(param is 1) ... { join_one: joined is other(param) -> { ... } on ...
source: my_source(param is 1) is conn.sql("""%{ other(param) -> { ... } }""")
source: my_source(param is 1) is conn.sql("SELECT * ... WHERE %{ param } = 1")
Parameters cannot currently be annotated (but they likely will be in the future)
Parameters of a source are not included in
index: *
orselect: *
For the time being, shadowing of parameters by fields or vice versa is illegal
Likely in the future this will be legal, but there will be some other syntax to help navigate conflicts
Known Bugs
param = null
fail to compile (Fixed in my_source(param::string is null)
(Fixed in