mallrat208 / UBC-Ore-Registrar

Minecraft Mod and Add-on for Underground Biomes Construct.
MIT License
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Railcraft Poor Ores not getting converted when placed by CoFHCore #35

Open andrewminer opened 7 years ago

andrewminer commented 7 years ago

I'm building a modpack which uses CoFHCore to take over ore gen completely. I'm also using Railcraft and it's poor ores. When I allow Railcraft to perform the ore gen normally, everything works as expected. However, when I use CoFHCore to place the ores, they are ignored by UBC Ore Registrar. I've attached my replacement for the vanilla.json file (you'll need to change the name back since GitHub doesn't allow JSON files to be attached) in case you want to try things out yourself. I'm on Minecraft 1.10.2, UBC Ore Registrar 2.1.0.


andrewminer commented 7 years ago

One extra piece of data for this one... the poor ores are showing up as expected in JEI, so they're definitely still present.

mallrat208 commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure what I can do then. The only thing I do is ensure that Underground Biomes Construct had access to the proper blocks. I don't handle generating then at all.