malob / nixpkgs

My Nix system configs!
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neovim error on requiring init.lua from init.vim #10

Closed zoedsoupe closed 3 years ago

zoedsoupe commented 3 years ago

hello! i recently discovered your config and i tried to replicate at my own iwth some minor changes because i wanted to migrate from init.vim to init.lua

everything went ok owever i'm getting a weid error that i'm unable to debug and solve it :/

the error is:

Error detected while processing /home/matthew/.config/nvim/init.vim:
line   16:
E5108: Error executing lua attempt to compare string with number
Press ENTER or type command to continue

and that's my init.vim:

set packpath^=/nix/store/ayalijl9cyzsxlz5rj69nzlx49g22m05-vim-pack-dir
set runtimepath^=/nix/store/ayalijl9cyzsxlz5rj69nzlx49g22m05-vim-pack-dir

" vim-polyglot {{{
lua require('matthew.vim-polyglot')
" }}}
" nvim-tree-lua {{{
lua require('matthew.nvim-tree-lua')
" }}}
" galaxyline-nvim {{{
lua require('matthew.galaxyline-nvim')
" }}}
" nvim-bufferline-lua {{{
lua require('matthew.nvim-bufferline-lua')
" }}}
lua require('init')

and my init.lua:

local set = vim.opt
local wo = vim.wo
local g = vim.g
local cmd = vim.cmd
local env = vim.env

g.mapleader = ','
g.maplocalleader = '\\'

 -- my custom options
set.hidden = true
set.tabstop = 2
set.shiftwidth = 2
set.number = true
set.relativenumber = true
set.background = 'dark'
set.formatoptions:remove({ 'cro' })
set.autoindent = true
set.autoread = true
set.cmdheight = 1
set.whichwrap:append({ '<', '>', '[', ']', 'h', 'l' })
set.shortmess:append({ 'c' })
set.wildignore:append({ '**/node_modules/**', '**/deps/**', '**/_build/**' })
set.conceallevel = 0 -- `` on markdown and ** in org shows up = 999 -- cursor never leaves mid screen
set.nocompatible = true
set.nowrap = true
set.encoding = 'utf-8'
set.fileencoding = 'utf-8'
set.pumheight = 10 -- popup smaller
set.ruler = true
set.splitbelow = true -- horizontal split will be below
set.splitright = true -- vertical split will be to the right
set.t_Co = 256 -- support 256 colors
set.showtabline = 0 -- never show tabs
set.updatetime = 300
set.timeoutlen = 1000
set.incsearch = true
set.wildmenu = true
set.smarttab = true
set.expandtab = true
set.smartindent = true
set.laststatus = 2 -- always shoes status line
set.ignorecase = true -- make searches with lower case characters case insensative
set.smartcase  = true -- search is case sensitive only if it contains uppercase chars

-- load no config plugins
require('nvim-web-devicons').setup({ default = true; })

-- telescope keybindings
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('', '<leader>ff', ':Telescpope find_files<cr>', { norepmap = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('', '<leader>fg', ':Telescpope live_grep<cr>', { norepmap = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('', '<leader>fb', ':Telescpope buffers<cr>', { norepmap = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('', '<leader>fh', ':Telescpope help_tags<cr>', { norepmap = true })

-- small plugins config and extra config
g.rainbow_active = 1
g.direnv_silent_load = 1
g.dashboard_default_executive = 'telescope'
g.bullets_enabled_file_types = { 'markdown', 'text', 'gitcommit', 'orgmode', 'scratch' }

cmd 'colorscheme dracula'
cmd 'filetype plugin on'
cmd 'filetype plugin indent on'

if g.syntax_on then
  cmd 'syntax enable'

-- true colors
--g.'\&t_8f' = '\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum'
--g.'\&t_8b' = '\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum'
set.termguicolors = true

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('', '<cr>', [[:noh<cr><cr>]], { noremap = true })

-- you can't stop me
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('c', 'w!!', [[!sudo tee %]])

could you help me?

zoedsoupe commented 3 years ago

i already tried to rename init.lua to avoid conflicts but no success

zoedsoupe commented 3 years ago

well, was the set.whichwrap option that was causing this error...