Hi! I'm getting the following error after installing your lib:
== Compilation error in file lib/shopify/graphql/limiter/producer.ex ==
** (CompileError) lib/shopify/graphql/limiter/producer.ex:2: module GenStage is not loaded and could not be found
(elixir 1.11.0) expanding macro: Kernel.use/1
lib/shopify/graphql/limiter/producer.ex:2: Shopify.GraphQL.Limiter.Producer (module)
adding gen_stage to my dependency list solved it
{:gen_stage, "~> 1.0.0"},
It seems that GenStage is not part of Elixir environment as default and also not part of a newly created Phoenix project.
I'm doing a PR for fixing that :)
EDIT: I'm using version 1.6
Hi! I'm getting the following error after installing your lib:
adding gen_stage to my dependency list solved it
It seems that GenStage is not part of Elixir environment as default and also not part of a newly created Phoenix project. I'm doing a PR for fixing that :)