malsup / blockui

jQuery BlockUI Plugin
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Ability to add a class to a growl or message box #42

Closed thelonecabbage closed 11 years ago

thelonecabbage commented 11 years ago

Currently blockui only supports adding styling in the form of css properties. However, this makes it difficult to integrate with other theme systems (such as bootstrap).

the ability to add a class to the growl or dialog box would allow this.

MarcovanMaanen commented 11 years ago

Hello, yes you are not the first one that tought that... So i already made the update look at my fork of this project.. (and read the commit XD) Let me know what you think...

If you have any questions ... ask away...

malsup commented 11 years ago

The "blockMsgClass" option allows you to specify a classname to be added. I see that it was missing from the docs though! Oops. Fixed.