malsup / cycle2

2nd gen cycling
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Problems with Carousel and progressive loading #434

Open phenaproxima opened 10 years ago

phenaproxima commented 10 years ago

Firstly, I'd like to say thanks for this fantastic plugin. Cycle2 blows every other slideshow out of the water, hands down!

That said, I'm experiencing some trouble trying to implement a carousel with progressive loading. Namely, when a new slide is added, it is not appended to the cycle-carousel-wrap DIV like the initial slides are, nor does it get the same styles. It gets tacked on to the main slideshow container, absolutely positioned and with hidden visibility -- as opposed to the slides in the initial set, all of which receive static positioning and visible inline-block display. The result being that any slides beyond the initial set are never displayed.

Is there something I'm missing here, or is this a genuine oversight?

EmilEriksen commented 10 years ago

Does it have something to do with this?

retrocool commented 9 years ago

Just a 'me too' I'm afraid, confirming that carousel doesn't work as expected with progressive loading. In my case the results were chaotic and difficult to describe, but included multiple copies of the initial nomally-loaded slide, and a failure to fill the width (6 images wide) of the carousel. My slides were straight images, FYI.

SionR commented 9 years ago

Has anyone come up with a solution to this? I expect it's a fairly simple tweak to either the main js or the carousel plugin....

EmilEriksen commented 9 years ago

It doesn't seem like there's a lot of development going on with this plugin anymore. If you want a carousel plugin that supports progressive loading (lazy loading) I can highly recommend OWL Carousel. This is currently the best slider plugin by miles IMO.

retrocool commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the tip on OWL Carousel. It would be a shame if cycle2 doesn't get the fixes it deserves but I guess malsup has got other stuff to do. I've still got it implemented on a bunch of sites so I've still got an interest, but OWL is going on anything new for now. Thanks malsup for all your work in the past.

mustanggb commented 7 years ago

Just ran into this as well.