malsup / cycle2

2nd gen cycling
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Compatibility/architecture issue: Cycle and Cycle2 in same page #637

Open brunnopleffken opened 9 years ago

brunnopleffken commented 9 years ago

Hello there! Well... That's my situation: I'm working on a quite old [and large] project, which uses the first version of Cycle. Now the client requested a new slideshow that can be made using Cycle 2 (mixing slider with carousel)... Everything else, using the first version, stops working!!! Why?

Does it uses the same class name? The same global namespace? Sounds like an architecture mistake a different project (let's be frank, it's a totally different plugin not just an update) use the same class/function/namespace name... The essence of a jQuery plugin is to be compatible and work together with other plugins...

It's a quite easy step to make Cycle2 [and a future Cycle3] work together with Cycle1...

Thanks in advance! ;) Brunno Pleffken

sclander commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure as to the reason why, but malsup does explicitly state in his FAQ that Cycle and Cycle2 cannot be used on the same page.