malsup / cycle2

2nd gen cycling
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Add a title and between the pagers #643

Open jcdarocha opened 9 years ago

jcdarocha commented 9 years ago

Hi, below the code i took from your website. I've got an external pager which shows the images and display them when hovering. What i need is to add some h1 or p between the pagers. Do you have a trick for that? Because, every time i add something, the app take it as a pager and switch to an other image. Could we avoid to take these h1 or p?

Thank you

div class="cycle-slideshow" data-cycle-fx=scrollHorz data-cycle-timeout=0 data-cycle-pager="#no-template-pager" data-cycle-pager-template=""

img src="">

img src=""> img src=""> img src="">

/div> div id=no-template-pager class="cycle-pager external">

img src="" width=20 height=20
img src="" width=20 height=20

h1>I Want to add a title here</h1 img src="" width=20 height=20 p>and a text here for example</p img src="" width=20 height=20



screen shot 2015-01-07 at 15 47 46