malsup / cycle2

2nd gen cycling
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Prev/Next icons - change from black to white and back on a per-slide basis: how? #739

Open systembolaget opened 8 years ago

systembolaget commented 8 years ago

The classes cycle-prev and cycle-next reference an icon as a background image to indicate to viewers how to click through a slideshow; usually a black OR white arrow or similar.

If some slideshows on one's website (many galleries with many photos) feature very bright and other slideshows very dark images (sometimes bright and dark images are mixed within one slideshow), the icon is not visible on top of the slide (or only just).

How could one change the colour for the prev and next icons from black to white and back on a per-image or per-slideshow basis? Am I missing something? Or is this not considered a UI-problem that needs addressing?

Thanks in advance for any hints!

ps: great plugin, like the old version; worth donating.