malsup / cycle2

2nd gen cycling
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Previous / Next buttons in IE10 disappear [SOLVED] #740

Open jmacleve opened 8 years ago

jmacleve commented 8 years ago

I have been changing out our carousels on our project pages from whatever was in them when the pages were originally designed to cycle2.

In FF and Chrome, the pages work fine, look great. I'm using pause on hover, prev and next buttons and timed cycling and they all perform exactly as I expect.

In IE10, the cycling is working, the pause on hover works, but the prev/next controls don't appear and the links aren't available either.

You can see what I'm talking about on:

Any help would be appreciated. We don't get much external traffic from IE in any version, according to Google Analytics, but our internal default browser is IE, so this has to work (long story, has to do with our accounting software). Thanks in advance.