malsup / cycle2

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hide text in .cycle-overlay in mobile phones using media queries #758

Open sevenson12 opened 8 years ago

sevenson12 commented 8 years ago


I want to hide all text written in .cycle-overlay in mobile phones. Can someone show me how to do that?


LukeTowers commented 8 years ago

If your design is responsive and you just need to get rid of the .cycle-overlay below certain screen sizes, then first find out what the minimum screen size you still want it visible at (tip, you can resize your browser window to view it any screen size), and then use the following media query.

@media screen and (min-width: 720px) { .cycle-overlay { display: none; } }

sevenson12 commented 8 years ago


Thanks you for your replay. I tried it but that doesn´t seem to work. The text is still there when I try "display:none" in mobil screen settings. Below you can see the code that I´m using. Is the cycle-overlay function correct inserted?


<img src="/content/uploads/images/headers/bildspel_laptop/header_1225x380_blue.jpg" data-cycle-title="Title" data-cycle-desc="text text text" width="100%" class="first"> <img src="/content/uploads/images/he cycle overlay settings.pdf cycle overlay settings.pdf

aders/bildspel_laptop/header_1225x380_red.jpg" data-cycle-title="Another title" data-cycle-desc="more text" width="100%">
