malsup / cycle2

2nd gen cycling
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Carousel Pager demo not working #807

Open vinigarcia87 opened 7 years ago

vinigarcia87 commented 7 years ago

Hi! I follow the demo from this page but this demo is not working properly. It goes to next page but stops on page 5 of 9.

How to make it work properly?

Another question: There is a way of having the same slider, but not repeating the images for the pager? What I need is this exactly carousel, but seems a waste of resources having all imags repeated.

Thanks for the help!

vinigarcia87 commented 7 years ago

Just realise that the second slider (that works like a pager) have the property data-allow-wrap="false". This was caousing the error.

So the bug is that using data-allow-wrap="false" and data-cycle-carousel-visible="5" make the navigation stops on the visible number instead of the last image.

Anyone can confirm this as a bug?