malsup / cycle2

2nd gen cycling
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Uncaught TypeError: h.animate is not a function #821

Open mayurpande opened 6 years ago

mayurpande commented 6 years ago

I keep getting the error;

Uncaught TypeError: h.animate is not a function
    at Object.doTransition (jquery.cycle2.js:386)
    at Object.prepareTx (jquery.cycle2.js:367)
    at jquery.cycle2.js:432

It seems strange as normally this does not happen.

gazchap commented 6 years ago

I've just come across this in a project I'm working on, and it turned out to be because I was using jQuery Slim rather than just standard jQuery.

jQuery Slim apparently doesn't include animation features (amongst other things)

pjmanikanda-ui commented 5 years ago

It's because of the jQuery version you use slim version of jQuery does not contain all the original jQuery functions. You should use a full version. You can download it from here.