I am running into an issue with the previous control on the carousel on https://www.liberty.edu/lp/betterworld/david-hess/. There are 7 slides and on my desktop monitor, 6 are visible. On page load, the next button works and slides the images to the left, showing the one image that was offscreen.
However, even though the previous button is enabled, it does not slide back.
If I resize the screen smaller or add more images, it works. It seems to only be an issue when ALL but one slide is visible.
I am running into an issue with the previous control on the carousel on https://www.liberty.edu/lp/betterworld/david-hess/. There are 7 slides and on my desktop monitor, 6 are visible. On page load, the next button works and slides the images to the left, showing the one image that was offscreen.
However, even though the previous button is enabled, it does not slide back.
If I resize the screen smaller or add more images, it works. It seems to only be an issue when ALL but one slide is visible.
Below is the JS we are including:
$('.fade-slider .slider, .slider.fade-slider').each(function() { var cycle = $(this), controls = cycle.find('.controls'), fx = cycle.data('fx') || 'fade', speed = cycle.data('speed') || 200; cycle.cycle({ log: false, speed: speed, fx: fx, swipe: true, slides: "> div", next: controls.find('.cycle-next'), prev: controls.find('.cycle-prev'), carouselVisible: 1, }); });