malte-wessel / react-textfit

React component to fit headlines and paragraphs into elements
MIT License
469 stars 143 forks source link

Remove componentWillMount #47

Closed nghiepdev closed 3 years ago

nghiepdev commented 5 years ago

Hide the deprecation warning React >= 16.9

borgstrom commented 4 years ago

cc @malte-wessel

bogdancss commented 4 years ago

will this get merged?

shyce commented 4 years ago

is this library dead? last update was 2 years ago and @malte-wessel seems to be working on other libs

alflennik commented 4 years ago

When I saw the warning I had a feeling I would find an open PR like this 🥺

JoshuaAYoung commented 4 years ago

Using text-fit for a new project. Was so much easier than fitty, but might need to switch over since we're fast approaching deprecation.

gtk-hs commented 3 years ago

Can we get this merged in? This library seems to work fine, it's a shame that a two line change is going to keep people from using this...

jakeonfire commented 3 years ago

@malte-wessel could you please dedicate a few minutes for your hundreds of users of this project? or give someone else write access? 🙏 🙏 🙏

jakeonfire commented 3 years ago

cc @denis-sokolov @ValBerthe @chrisdrackett @umidbekkarimov @tbroadley

jakeonfire commented 3 years ago

thank you @denis-sokolov! sorry for the spam.