@echo off
echo Welcome to the fun script!
echo What would you like to do?
echo 1. Play a game
echo 2. Listen to music
echo 3. Read a book
echo 4. Exit
set /p choice=Type a number:
if %choice%==1 goto game
if %choice%==2 goto music
if %choice%==3 goto book
if %choice%==4 exit
echo Let's play a game!
echo 1. Solitaire
echo 2. Minesweeper
echo 3. Back
set /p game=Type a number:
if %game%==1 start sol.exe
if %game%==2 start winmine.exe
if %game%==3 goto loop
echo Let's listen to some music!
echo 1. Play a song
echo 2. Play a playlist
echo 3. Back
set /p music=Type a number:
if %music%==1 start song.mp3
if %music%==2 start playlist.m3u
if %music%==3 goto loop
echo Let's read a book!
echo 1. Read a book
echo 2. Read a magazine
echo 3. Back
set /p book=Type a number:
if %book%==1 start book.epub
if %book%==2 start magazine.pdf
if %book%==3 goto loop
@echo off :loop echo Welcome to the fun script! echo What would you like to do? echo 1. Play a game echo 2. Listen to music echo 3. Read a book echo 4. Exit set /p choice=Type a number: if %choice%==1 goto game if %choice%==2 goto music if %choice%==3 goto book if %choice%==4 exit :game cls echo Let's play a game! echo 1. Solitaire echo 2. Minesweeper echo 3. Back set /p game=Type a number: if %game%==1 start sol.exe if %game%==2 start winmine.exe if %game%==3 goto loop :music cls echo Let's listen to some music! echo 1. Play a song echo 2. Play a playlist echo 3. Back set /p music=Type a number: if %music%==1 start song.mp3 if %music%==2 start playlist.m3u if %music%==3 goto loop :book cls echo Let's read a book! echo 1. Read a book echo 2. Read a magazine echo 3. Back set /p book=Type a number: if %book%==1 start book.epub if %book%==2 start magazine.pdf if %book%==3 goto loop