malzariey / filament-daterangepicker-filter

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[V3] Dynamic schema not updating with live and afterStateUpdated #117

Closed GamendeBrian closed 2 months ago

GamendeBrian commented 2 months ago

In V 2.8, I used to have the following dynamic code:

->afterStateUpdated(fn (DateRangePicker $component) => $component

->schema(function (Get $get) {

    if (!$get('date_range')) return [Forms\Components\Placeholder::make('')->hiddenLabel()->content('Selecteer eerst een periode.')];

    list($startDate, $endDate) = explode(' - ', $get('date_range'));

    $start = Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', trim($startDate))->startOfWeek();
    $end   = Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', trim($endDate))->endOfWeek();

    $week_range = collect($start->toPeriod($end))->mapWithKeys(function ($date) {
        return [$date->weekOfYear => $date->weekOfYear . '_' . $date->format('Y')];

    foreach ($week_range as $week => $year) {
        $weeks[$week] = TextInput::make('weeks.week_' . $year)->label('Week ' . $week)->numeric()->required();

    return $weeks;


This does the following:

But now it doesn't work anymore:

afterStateUpdated does still trigger an update, so dd() does still work, but it seems like the schema() doesn't get updated after the initial load (even though it does?)

ajithMagic commented 2 months ago

Try re-publishing the view files by running the command php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-daterangepicker-filter-views". In my case I have deleted the folder entirely from the views and polished again fixed the issue.

GamendeBrian commented 2 months ago

I didn't publish it initially, but tried publishing with no luck.

I checked the published view and debugged for a bit and found the problem.

    <div id="{{$parentId}}">


When I comment this out, the calendar works perfectly again!

See example:

@malzariey, could you check?

malzariey commented 2 months ago

Thanks for raising the issue,

Addressed in version 3.0.1