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Adding Prettier to Formatting Files #27

Closed Riguidix closed 3 years ago

Riguidix commented 3 years ago

Changes to solve the issue #26:

  1. Installing Prettier as a Dev Dependencie

  2. Setting up Prettier

    • Creating all Config Files to Setup Prettier
      • .prettierrc.json Config Files.
      • .prettierignore Ignore Files.
    • Adding the Scripts to run the Prettier Commands
      • prettier --write .: It will format all the files that are not in the ignored files.
      • prettier --check .: It will only validate if the files have the formatting styles, will output some warns or errors.
  3. Running Prettier --Write to Format all Files

    • All the files have a new structure.
      • Server File have new sectional comments
      • HTML Files have new sectional comments
mamamia5x commented 3 years ago

From what I can tell, this looks pretty good.
I'm a little busy at the moment, but I'll review it when I can.