mampfes / ha-knx-uf-iconset

Icon set from KNX User Forum for Home Assistant. The icon set contains more than 900 icons for home automation.
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Icons show strange #3

Open RoYaL69 opened 3 years ago

RoYaL69 commented 3 years ago

I tried kuf:fts_window_1w_locked, kuf:fts_window_1w_tilt and kuf:fts_window_1w_open, but all show very strange, maybe they overlap or something? locked open tilt

sembeek commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue with the kuf:fts_window_2w_open_lr. They look like this: image

mampfes commented 2 years ago

Duplicate of #1

RoYaL69 commented 2 years ago

kuf:fts_window_1w_unlocked looks like image should look like image

kuf:fts_window_1w_tilt looks correct

kuf:fts_window_1w_open looks like image should look like image

kuf:fts_window_1w_locked looks like image should look like image

kuf:fts_window_1w looks like image should look like image

mampfes commented 2 years ago

Agree. I didn't find a reproducible way to convert the icons with InkScape yet. For HomeAssistant, the icons has to be converted to a single SVG path. This is what I'm doing right now:

This sequence works for most icons. I assume there is a problem in Inkscape. Any help is appreciated.

RoYaL69 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I am not familiar with that, if i could I would help you. I would thankful if you could convert these Icons, i don't need more :D

rVlad93 commented 2 years ago

kuf:fts_window_1w_unlocked looks like image should look like image

kuf:fts_window_1w_tilt looks correct

kuf:fts_window_1w_open looks like image should look like image

kuf:fts_window_1w_locked looks like image should look like image

kuf:fts_window_1w looks like image should look like image

Having the same issue. Any fix yet?

RoYaL69 commented 2 years ago

kuf:fts_window_1w_unlocked looks like image should look like image kuf:fts_window_1w_tilt looks correct kuf:fts_window_1w_open looks like image should look like image kuf:fts_window_1w_locked looks like image should look like image kuf:fts_window_1w looks like image should look like image

Having the same issue. Any fix yet?

No response, I switched to this ""

LxDt commented 10 months ago

This issue still applies. Is there a fix out there or a workaround?

P3TACCO commented 6 months ago

Using version 1.1.0 of KNX User Forum Icons set loaded into Home Assistant through HACS.

Several icons have spurious artifacts/errors

scene_freezer scene_dishwasher scene_washing_machine

All have the same error, what looks like a descending bar graph in the lower right hand corner of the icon. This error is not present in the SVG or PNG files. There may be other icons with this same error. I'm using some of the other "scene" series and they do not have the error. Since it is an identical error, it is likely stray code in the .js file.

I've tried to delete/ reinstall the repository with the same result. I tried downloading version 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 and both have the same errors.


P3TACCO commented 6 months ago


I just discovered the measure_battery icons all have the same image

measure_battery_0 measure_battery_100 measure_battery_75 measure_battery_50 measure_battery_25

All display the measure_battery_100 icon

P3TACCO commented 6 months ago

Here's the path for the "scene_freezer" icon I put breaks in to make it more readable - as I undersatnd "M" and "m" are moving the cursor, "c" is a bezier curve path and "z" closes that path.

I don't know how to read the coordinates to find the lower right hand portion where the anomaly is occurring. I also don't know how to import a text file like this into an SVG editor.

'scene_freezer': 'm 212.397,213.416 c -3.211,-1.854 -6.423,-3.709 -9.634,-5.563 -3.916,-2.262 -7.439,3.788 -3.533,6.045 3.211,1.854 6.423,3.709 9.634,5.563 3.916,2.262 7.44,-3.788 3.533,-6.045 z m -14.828,-13.54 c 0,3.708 0,7.417 0,11.125 0,4.514 7,4.514 7,0 0,-3.708 0,-7.417 0,-11.125 0,-4.514 -7,-4.514 -7,0 z m 9.422,3.643 c -9.54,5.508 -19.079,11.016 -28.619,16.523 -3.907,2.256 -0.383,8.306 3.533,6.045 9.54,-5.508 19.079,-11.016 28.619,-16.523 3.908,-2.256 0.384,-8.306 -3.533,-6.0645 z m -2.295,42.616 c 0,-3.708 0,-7.417 0,-11.125 0,-4.514 -7,-4.514 -7,0 0,3.708 0,7.417 0,11.125 0,4.513 7,4.513 7,0 z m 4.295,-19.583 c -3.211,1.854 -6.423,3.709 -9.634,5.563 -3.906,2.256 -0.384,8.306 3.533,6.045 3.211,-1.854 6.423,-3.709 9.634,-5.563 3.908,-2.256 0.384,-8.306 -3.533,-6.045 z m 1.607,9.991 c -9.54,-5.508 -19.08,-11.016 -28.62,-16.523 -3.916,-2.261 -7.439,3.789 -3.533,6.045 9.54,5.508 19.08,11.016 28.62,16.523 3.916,2.261 7.44,-3.789 3.533,-6.045 z m -38.242,19.112 c 3.211,-1.854 6.423,-3.709 9.634,-5.563 3.907,-2.256 0.384,-8.306 -3.533,-6.045 -3.211,1.854 -6.423,3.709 -9.634,5.563 -3.906,2.256 -0.383,8.306 3.533,6.045 z m 19.123,-6.045 c -3.211,-1.854 -6.423,-3.708 -9.634,-5.563 -3.917,-2.261 -7.44,3.789 -3.533,6.045 3.211,1.854 6.423,3.708 9.634,5.563 3.917,2.261 7.441,-3.789 3.533,-6.045 z m -7.882,6.35 c 0,-11.016 0,-22.032 0,-33.048 0,-4.514 -7,-4.514 -7,0 0,11.016 0,22.032 0,33.048 0,4.514 7,4.514 7,0 z m -35.764,-23.518 c 3.212,1.854 6.424,3.709 9.635,5.563 3.917,2.261 7.44,-3.789 3.533,-6.045 -3.212,-1.854 -6.423,-3.709 -9.635,-5.563 -3.916,-2.26 -7.44,3.79 -3.533,6.045 z m 14.828,13.538 c 0,-3.708 0,-7.415 0,-11.123 0,-4.514 -7,-4.514 -7,0 0,3.708 0,7.415 0,11.123 0,4.514 7,4.514 7,0 z m -9.422,-3.64 c 9.54,-5.509 19.079,-11.017 28.619,-16.524 3.907,-2.256 0.384,-8.306 -3.533,-6.045 -9.54,5.509 -19.079,11.017 -28.619,16.524 -3.907,2.256 -0.383,8.306 3.533,6.045 z m 2.296,-42.617 c 0,3.709 0,7.417 -0.001,11.126 0,4.514 7,4.514 7,0 0,-3.709 0,-7.417 0.001,-11.126 0,-4.514 -7,-4.514 -7,0 z m -4.296,19.584 c 3.211,-1.854 6.423,-3.709 9.634,-5.563 3.907,-2.256 0.383,-8.306 -3.533,-6.045 -3.211,1.854 -6.423,3.709 -9.634,5.563 -3.907,2.256 -0.383,8.305 3.533,6.045 z m -1.606,-9.992 c 9.54,5.508 19.08,11.016 28.62,16.523 3.917,2.261 7.44,-3.789 3.533,-6.045 -9.54,-5.508 -19.079,-11.016 -28.619,-16.523 -3.917,-2.26 -7.441,3.79 -3.534,6.045 z m 38.241,-18.861 c -3.211,1.854 -6.423,3.708 -9.634,5.562 -3.907,2.256 -0.384,8.306 3.533,6.045 3.212,-1.854 6.423,-3.708 9.635,-5.562 3.906,-2.256 0.383,-8.306 -3.534,-6.045 z m -19.124,6.045 c 3.211,1.854 6.423,3.707 9.635,5.562 3.917,2.261 7.44,-3.789 3.533,-6.045 -3.211,-1.854 -6.423,-3.707 -9.634,-5.562 -3.917,-2.261 -7.441,3.789 -3.534,6.045 z m 7.884,-6.349 c 0,11.016 0,22.03 0,33.046 0,4.514 7,4.514 7,0 0,-11.016 0,-22.03 0,-33.046 0,-4.513 -7,-4.513 -7,0 z m 41.302,-99.791 c 0,12.963 0,25.927 0,38.89 0,4.514 7,4.514 7,0 0,-12.963 0,-25.927 0,-38.89 0,-4.514 -7,-4.514 -7,0 z m 15.75,44.938 c -0.386,5.729 -5.707,5.186 -9.789,5.186 -5.636,0 -11.271,0 -16.905,0 -15.871,0 -31.743,0 -47.614,0 -6.128,0 -12.256,0 -18.384,0 -2.811,0 -6.615,0.602 -9.225,-0.708 -3.98,-1.997 -2.568,-10.274 -2.568,-13.786 0,-7.847 0,-15.693 0,-23.539 0,-5.752 0,-11.505 0,-17.257 0,-4.759 3.419,-6.066 7.408,-6.066 12.305,0 24.61,0 36.916,0 14.935,0 29.869,0 44.804,0 3.317,0 6.636,0 9.953,0 6.048,0 5.405,6.101 5.405,10.237 -0.001,15.31 -0.001,30.621 -0.001,45.933 0,6.449 10,6.449 10,0 0,-12.191 0,-24.383 0,-36.575 0,-4.77 0,-9.539 0,-14.309 0,-8.553 -7.075,-15.288 -15.527,-15.288 -25.978,0 -51.956,0 -77.933,0 -10.299,0 -23.967,-2.412 -29.542,8.698 -2.21,4.405 -1.483,10.235 -1.483,15.021 0,7.785 0,15.57 0,23.355 0,5.97 0,11.94 0,17.91 0,9.108 6.047,15.758 15.186,16.373 8.843,0.595 17.931,0 26.789,0 17.162,0 34.324,0 51.487,0 4.835,0 9.669,0 14.504,0 9.145,0 15.898,-5.937 16.521,-15.186 0.431,-6.44 -9.572,-6.398 -10.002,0.001 z m -15.75,25.676 c 0,12.963 0,25.927 0,38.89 0,4.514 7,4.514 7,0 0,-12.963 0,-25.927 0,-38.89 0,-4.514 -7,-4.514 -7,0 z M 44.239,121.792 m 215.927,115.312 c 0,6.757 0,13.513 0,20.27 0,4.514 7,4.514 7,0 0,-6.757 0,-13.513 0,-20.27 0,-4.514 -7,-4.514 -7,0 z m -39.083,54.228 c 21.806,0 43.611,0.001 65.417,0.001 6.448,0 6.448,-10 0,-10 -21.806,0 -43.611,-0.001 -65.417,-0.001 -6.448,0 -6.448,10 0,10 z m 60.749,-57.999 c 0,17.778 0,35.556 0,53.334 0,6.448 10,6.448 10,0 0,-17.778 0,-35.556 0,-53.334 0,-6.448 -10,-6.448 -10,0 z m -28.092,46.334 c -0.229,2.271 -14.503,0.999 -16.25,0.999 -1.748,10e-4 -16.021,1.273 -16.25,-0.999 -0.854,-8.468 0,-17.463 0,-25.963 0,-15.986 0,-31.973 0,-47.959 0,-6.066 0,-12.134 0,-18.2 0,-1.625 -0.883,-6.16 0.293,-7.585 0.074,-0.089 -1.234,-0.999 0.46,0.139 -0.136,-0.091 1.265,1.149 1.655,1.534 1.773,1.746 3.346,3.713 4.839,5.699 4.051,5.388 7.639,11.131 11.136,16.887 5.16,8.495 10.021,17.187 14.636,25.99 0.456,0.871 -0.519,-3.93 -0.519,-1.035 0,1.706 0,3.413 0,5.119 0,5.852 0,11.703 0,17.555 0,9.273 0,18.546 0,27.819 0,6.448 10,6.448 10,0 0,-12.158 0,-24.315 0,-36.474 0,-4.989 0,-9.979 0,-14.97 0,-3.185 -2.927,-6.989 -4.371,-9.643 -7.63,-14.024 -15.564,-28.286 -25.678,-40.7 -3.882,-4.765 -9.651,-10.675 -16.31,-7.061 -5.069,2.752 -6.142,7.44 -6.142,12.654 0,27.693 0,55.387 0,83.08 0,8.863 -2.157,24.112 11.168,24.112 6.34,0 12.68,0 19.021,-0.001 5.582,0 13.565,1.337 18.202,-2.488 2.727,-2.25 3.764,-5.079 4.109,-8.511 0.648,-6.413 -9.358,-6.351 -9.999,0.002 z m -20.054,-3.429 c -0.386,5.729 -5.707,5.186 -9.789,5.186 -5.636,0 -11.271,0 -16.905,0 -15.871,0 -31.743,0 -47.614,0 -6.128,0 -12.256,0 -18.384,0 -2.811,0 -6.615,0.602 -9.225,-0.708 -3.222,-1.617 -2.568,-5.975 -2.568,-8.938 0,-4.939 0,-9.879 0,-14.818 0,-29.792 0,-59.585 0,-89.377 0,-5.538 -2.292,-17.514 6.048,-17.514 11.139,0 22.277,0 33.415,0 15.411,0 30.822,0 46.234,0 5.852,0 18.788,-2.535 18.788,6.242 0,26.036 0,52.071 0,78.107 0,13.938 0,27.88 0,41.82 0,6.448 10,6.448 10,0 0,-23.146 0,-46.292 0,-69.438 0,-13.881 0,-27.761 0,-41.642 0,-3.127 0,-6.255 0,-9.382 0,-8.869 -6.553,-15.128 -15.186,-15.709 -8.843,-0.595 -17.931,0 -26.788,0 -15.832,0 -31.665,0 -47.497,0 -5.369,0 -10.737,0 -16.106,0 -4.831,0 -9.582,0.152 -13.483,3.587 -7.332,6.454 -5.426,17.765 -5.426,26.563 0,29.889 0,59.777 0,89.666 0,7.733 -1.955,19.818 3.587,26.115 6.885,7.822 20.433,5.426 29.795,5.426 18.696,0 37.393,0 56.088,0 5.976,0 11.952,0 17.928,0 9.308,0 16.438,-5.517 17.088,-15.186 0.433,-6.44 -9.57,-6.398 -10,0 z',

P3TACCO commented 6 months ago

I tried editing that js entry but it didn't appear to have any effect. I deleted entire sections of that and I didn't see the icon change.

P3TACCO commented 6 months ago

The icons for "scene_robo_lawnmower_active" and "scene_robo_lawnmower_paused" are both using the paused icon.