mamuso / sketch-designdoc

Exports a simple website using a bunch of conventions and a Sketch document as the structure
220 stars 13 forks source link

It doesn't work when you install it with Sketch Toolbox #1

Closed pansenpeter closed 8 years ago

pansenpeter commented 8 years ago

Loaded the chicken, and "Something went (wrong)":

    column = 51;
    line = 155;
    sourceURL = "/Users/wim/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins/Design Doc/DesignDoc.sketchplugin/Contents/Sketch/export.cocoascript";
mamuso commented 8 years ago

Hi @pansenpeter, I just pushed a fix, if you re-download and re-install the plugin it should work :)

holgerhubbs commented 8 years ago

I just installed the plugin (0.0.4) via Sketch Toolbox and get this error:

Thank you (-;

mamuso commented 8 years ago

Hi @holgerhubbs,

The issue is with the MMMarkdown framework, it doesn't seem to load properly when you install the plugin using Sketch Toolbox. I'll dig more into this issue and I'll try to get it fixed soon.

In the meantime, if you wan to try it, you can use the github version.

holgerhubbs commented 8 years ago

Thank you so much! It works (-;

pansenpeter commented 8 years ago

Thanks. Works fine!

MildTomato commented 8 years ago

Hey Guys!

I'm still getting

    column = 52;
    line = 182;
    sourceURL = "/Users/Jonathan/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins/DesignDoc.sketchplugin/Contents/Sketch/export.cocoascript";

I installed it using the DesignDoc.sketchplugin file from github rather than sketch toolbox. I had previously had it installed with Sketch Toolbox though.

Running Sketch Version Version 41 (35326)

mamuso commented 8 years ago

@MildTomato I tried to reproduce your issue in several computers (installing with Sketch Toolbox first, then uninstall and install from Github).

If I restart sketch after removing/installing, then it works for me in every case. Let me know if that works for you.

mamuso commented 8 years ago

Getting some sense of progress with this issue: