man-group / dtale

Visualizer for pandas data structures
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Cannot open Dtale with browser from Notebook #845

Open GiacomoTel opened 5 months ago

GiacomoTel commented 5 months ago

Hi using this code in a jupyter notebook

import dtale
import as dtale_app
import dtale.global_state as global_state

dtale_app.USE_NGROK = True,host='localhost',enable_custom_filters=True)

it doesn't open the instance in the browser but instead it gives me this error

IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[6], line 7 5 global_state.set_app_settings(dict(enable_custom_filters=True)) 6 dtale_app.USE_NGROK = True ----> 7,enable_custom_filters=True)

tunnel_url = tunnel_url.replace("https", "http")

ecc .... return tunnel_url IndexError: list index out of range

Can anyone show me how to open the browser view from visual studio jupyter notebook ? Thank you

aschonfeld commented 5 months ago

I'd try using jupyter-server-proxy

GiacomoTel commented 5 months ago

Thank you , it helped , we are making progress but now it open a page on the browser whit this url /user/GiacomoTel/proxy/40000/dtale/main/1/40000/dtale/main/1 which is not reachable

aschonfeld commented 5 months ago

Try taking /40000/dtale/main/1 off the end, looks like it's repeated. Just wanna see if that endpoint works. If ti does I'll look into why its repeating