man-group / notebooker

Productionise & schedule your Jupyter Notebooks as easily as you wrote them.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Notebooker Windows Issues #174

Open beebeed opened 3 months ago

beebeed commented 3 months ago

Love the project and concepts but having a few issues in getting this up and running on windows 11 1) In window virtual env the executable notebooker-cli is in the script folder so should be replaced by os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "Scripts", "notebooker-cli")

2) Babel needs a locale defined should be replaced by metadata["time_diff"] = babel.dates.format_timedelta( - metadata["latest_run"], locale = "en")

3) open statements should include encoding="utf-8") i.e. open(ipynb_path, "r", encoding="utf-8")

4) this still appears to be an issue with a blank results page output

this returns an empty array but this works... it is to do with slashes\plot_random I couldnt work out where best to fix this... any advice.

beebeed commented 3 months ago

FYI... I think that the windows compatibility started to be looked at in this branch to address slashes issues

jonbannister commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the report, we will try to take a look. If you were able to fix locally in the meantime then contributions are very welcome!

beebeed commented 1 month ago

ok... when I get a moment I will submit some fixes