manaakiwhenua / rhealpixdggs-py

rHEALPixDGGS-py implements code to both define an rHEALPix DGGS Reference System and to perform topological queries on its Identfiers. Our roadmap is for v1.0 to be fully compliant with OGC Topic 21 v2.0 / ISO 19170-1:2020.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
18 stars 4 forks source link

Check whether homemade rhealpix and healpix can be replaced by proj versions. #3

Closed rggibb closed 1 month ago

rggibb commented 4 years ago

I'll leave projection_wrapper-py, and the pj_healpix and pj_rhealpix homemade projections where they are, and raise an issue to flag that we need to check whether the versions of healpix and rhealpix in proj.4 (now proj.7) can be used. At the time the code was last checked by Alex Raichev, the code in proj wasnt yet working, so the homemade version here had to be used.

Originally posted by @rggibb in

ndemaio commented 4 months ago

This is now in progress, with fairly...explosive...results so far. We'll keep picking at it until we know more.

alpha-beta-soup commented 1 month ago



Decided against using the healpix/rhealpix projections from pyproj/PROJ - they break our tests in significant ways and it looks like whatever bugs were there in 2013 haven't been fixed