manadream / AndroidProxySetter

An android app that sets the proxy settings for a wifi access point by using adb
GNU General Public License v3.0
477 stars 96 forks source link

How connect the specific network? #16

Closed josinaldobarbosa closed 7 years ago

josinaldobarbosa commented 7 years ago

I use the

adb shell am start -n tk.elevenk.proxysetter/.MainActivity -e host {myIp} -e port 8080 -e ssid {myNetwork} -e key {myPassword} -e reset-wifi true

settings are applied, but it is connected to another network with better signal or something else ...

manadream commented 7 years ago

hm, that's strange. May be a bug. Can you post the adb logcat logs from running the command? Also, you can try the command without -e reset-wifi true