manafalajmi / WeatherApp

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Status Update #4

Open SidoPillai opened 5 years ago

SidoPillai commented 5 years ago

@manafalajmi I can sense some activity in your app with respect to design. I would like to have progress update on what you have worked so far. If there are any pain points, I can give you some tips and tricks to add finesse to the app. Let me know when is a good time for a chat preferably before the submission.

Thank you.

manafalajmi commented 5 years ago

That'd be great! Do you have time to talk today, in about 2 hours?

SidoPillai commented 5 years ago

sure. give me a proper time slot. I will send out a meeting invite

manafalajmi commented 5 years ago

2:30 pm pst and onwards works for me

SidoPillai commented 5 years ago

@manafalajmi I have sent you a meeting invite for 2:30 pm

manafalajmi commented 5 years ago

@siddeshpillai Great! I'm ready to talk

manafalajmi commented 5 years ago
  1. Siddesh recommends going with page rather than item
  2. Make the api call to get weather info based on user location
  3. Create UI to show 10 day forecast
  4. fix navigation, stackView.pop only works if stack.length >1
  5. Improve UI to display weather info
  6. On weatherView add a input bar to search weather by city name