manateelazycat / lsp-bridge

A blazingly fast LSP client for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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enabling lsp-bridge breaks syntax highlighting #905

Closed Cadair closed 5 months ago

Cadair commented 8 months ago


I am running doom emacs, with lsp-bridge enabled. If I include lsp-bridge in my config when I edit files in python-mode (and maybe others, but I mainly use python) the syntax highlighting goes completely insane until I re-run M-x python-mode.

I know this is a terrible bug report, but any suggestions on how I can get you more information would be helpful, I don't really know where to start.


manateelazycat commented 7 months ago

Can you give me a minimal reproducible configuration, minimal test code, and a stable reproducible method?

I don't use Doom Emacs

Cadair commented 7 months ago

Hi! Thanks for getting back to me, I have started trying to build a docker contain which can reproduce the issue here:

unfortunately I haven't managed to reproduce the syntax highlighting bug because I get this error on load when I unclude by lsp-bridge module:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments ((t) (r g b) (format "#%02x%02x%02x" (ash r -8) (ash g -8) (ash b -8$
  (closure (t) (r g b) (format "#%02x%02x%02x" (ash r -8) (ash g -8) (ash b -8)))()                                           
  apply((closure (t) (r g b) (format "#%02x%02x%02x" (ash r -8) (ash g -8) (ash b -8))) nil)                                  
  acm-frame-color-blend("unspecified-bg" "#AAAAAA" 0.9)                                                                       
  (set-face-background 'acm-frame-default-face (acm-frame-color-blend default-background blend-background (if is-dark-mode 0.$
  (progn (set-face-background 'acm-frame-default-face (acm-frame-color-blend default-background blend-background (if is-dark-$
  (if (or force (equal (face-attribute 'acm-frame-default-face :background) 'unspecified)) (progn (set-face-background 'acm-f$
  (let* ((is-dark-mode (string-equal (acm-frame-get-theme-mode) "dark")) (blend-background (if is-dark-mode "#000000" "#AAAAA$
  acm-reset-colors(doom-one t)                                                                                                
  apply(acm-reset-colors (doom-one t))                                                                                        
  load-theme(doom-one t)                                                                                                      
  (progn (load-theme doom-theme t))                                                                                           
  (if (and doom-theme (not (custom-theme-enabled-p doom-theme))) (progn (load-theme doom-theme t)))                           
  run-hooks(after-init-hook delayed-warnings-hook)                                                                            

Do you have any thoughts on what could be causing that? If I don't include the lsp-bridge module in the init.el file then it doesn't happen and doom starts up fine.

manateelazycat commented 7 months ago

This is a problem with the theme. Please change the theme and test again.

clementpoiret commented 4 months ago

@manateelazycat sorry to reopen this issue, but I don't want to open a new one, as I face this exact same bug. I don't think it is theme related as I do not have this issue with the "normal" lsp-mode. This issue occured after the installation of "lsp-bridge".

Here is my very basic config:

Thanks for your time!

clementpoiret commented 4 months ago

Another config (from someone else) having the syntax-highlightning bug:

manateelazycat commented 4 months ago

@manateelazycat sorry to reopen this issue, but I don't want to open a new one, as I face this exact same bug. 很抱歉重新打开此问题,但我不想打开新问题,因为我面临着完全相同的错误。 I don't think it is theme related as I do not have this issue with the "normal" lsp-mode. This issue occured after the installation of "lsp-bridge". 我不认为这与主题相关,因为我在“正常”lsp 模式下没有这个问题。安装“lsp-bridge”后出现此问题。

Here is my very basic config:这是我非常基本的配置:

Thanks for your time!谢谢你的时间!

It's a theme problem, you need give me theme you use, not config.

I haven't time to debug your config

clementpoiret commented 4 months ago

I use catppuccin mocha: What's your theme? I would happily try with it to see if I have the same problem.

EDIT: just tested on the default doom-one theme, same issue

manateelazycat commented 4 months ago

manateelazycat commented 4 months ago

I have push new patch try to fix this issue.