mandatoryprogrammer / xsshunter-express

An easy-to-setup version of XSS Hunter. Sets up in five minutes and requires no maintenance!
MIT License
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admin password is not displaying on terminal or on docker logs <id> #14

Open balook opened 2 years ago

balook commented 2 years ago

Im running the docker and it is serving on the domain succesfully. But not able to know what is the password used to login.

Not Displaying on terminal or on docker logs

saheredelgadom commented 2 years ago

The same problem @mandatoryprogrammer please you cam help me? does not open

Im running the docker and it is serving on the domain succesfully. But not able to know what is the password used to login.

Not Displaying on terminal or on docker logs

this image does not appear!!!!...


mandatoryprogrammer commented 2 years ago

Are you sure that this message hasn't been shown previously? (It's only shown once). If you clear the postgres database it'll show the message again.

saheredelgadom commented 2 years ago

It was not shown neither in the installation nor when starting again, please can you tell me how to clean the database???

Another thing I can not enter the administration panel, it does not open the login page

eth0-re commented 1 year ago

Try and do a full reset of everything that has been deployed

Delete the Containers

Run docker ps to see a list of container IDs. eg:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                COMMAND                 
615cd116ffb1   xsshunter-express_xsshunterexpress   "/app/docker-entrypo…"  
9fe9dd5e115a   postgres                             "docker-entrypoint.s…"

Delete them with docker container rm CONTAINER_ID

Delete the Images

Run docker images to see a list of Images: eg:

REPOSITORY                                     TAG                               IMAGE ID     
xsshunter-express_xsshunterexpress             latest                            b089ae8c5b36 
postgres                                       latest                            901a82b310d3

Then delete them with docker image rm IMAGE_ID

Delete the Volumes

Run docker volume ls to see a list of Volumes: eg:

local     xsshunter-express_db-data
local     xsshunter-express_payloads-data

Delete with: docker volume rm VOLUME_NAME

Rebuild & Start with

docker-compose up --build -d OR, if you want to make absolutely sure you don't miss the log entry: docker-compose up this will dump the output straight into your terminal, it will also kill the container if you exit the terminal

View the logs with

docker logs {CONTAINER ID}

As for not being able to see the admin panel:

Try and see if the interface is listening on the docker container itself:

Get the main xsshunter container's IP with: docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' CONTAINER_ID Then curl default admin url: curl http://IP_Address/admin/ | grep XSSHunter

If that works, the problem is likely to be the ports configuration in the docker-compose.yml file. Make sure that the ports and the "ports:" directive above are all uncommented:

  - "80:80"
  - "443:443"

If you do need to uncomment the ports, you'll need to re-run the docker-compose command. At this point you should hopefully be able to access the XSSHunter admin interface on

saheredelgadom commented 1 year ago

good morning

Thanks for your answer @eth0-re

Since I only had that docker installed, it was simpler to run the command docker system prune -a to clean everything.

download again with git clone command

and then run docker-compose up to see the installation logs.

the error persists

when i go to web browser and put

the answer is:

I put all the answers on the website in txt file.


Damian89 commented 1 year ago

Since I had the same problem I want to add something else - in the beginning you will shortly see: "PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization" even if you followed the instructions above ;)

This means there is a database and just dropping the images,containers etc wont be enough, I had to remove the database files from host (usually you will find them in the xsshunter folder within postgres-db-data/).

After dropping the entire folder (or after a clean git clone), everything works as expected.