mandiant / VM-Packages

Chocolatey packages supporting the analysis environment projects FLARE-VM & Commando VM.
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Fix openjdk.vm dependency version format #1066

Closed naacbin closed 2 weeks ago

naacbin commented 3 weeks ago

openjdk.vm dependency version wasn't respecting the convention, it should be [x,y) not (x,y]. The version 21.0.1 need to be pickup as it is hard-coded in openjdk.vm.

naacbin commented 3 weeks ago

I am not sure what convention do you mean. I think we used this syntax to avoid our bot to update the dependency. So I think both versions are equivalent.

I thought I had read in the documentation that we were using "[x,y)" and not '(x,y]', but I can't find it anywhere. I must be wrong.

naacbin commented 3 weeks ago

I think even relaxing it a bit should be ok, as I do not expect minor updates in openjdk to break anything and it would allow more flexibility (problems with dependencies incompatibilities): [21.0.0, 21.1.0).

We can't as currently the version is hard-coded in the PowerShell script.

Ana06 commented 3 weeks ago

Related: I have added some documentation about dependencies in @naacbin we have had some discussion recently about dependency versions, could you check it out and let me know if you have any feedback (either in or opening a new issue as you see it fit)?