mandiant / VM-Packages

Chocolatey packages supporting the analysis environment projects FLARE-VM & Commando VM.
Apache License 2.0
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VS Code Python Extension #1074

Closed mwilliams31 closed 2 weeks ago

mwilliams31 commented 3 weeks ago


Include the Python extension for VS Code. This installs two extensions: Pylance and Python Debugger. Without the Python Debugger extension (or similar), Python scripts cannot be debugged in VS Code.

Another extension to consider including is Jupyter.

Ana06 commented 3 weeks ago

thanks for the issue @mwilliams31! I suggest we implement two additional packages vscode.python.vm and jupyter.python.vm and add at least the first one to the FLARE-VM default configuration. @mandiant/vms opinions? @mandiant/flare-vm do you think we should add jupyter to the default configuration?

day1player commented 3 weeks ago

there are some existing packages for this it looks like?

emtuls commented 3 weeks ago

I don't think it hurts to have the jupyter one in the default as well. I know it can be useful in vscode, so I imagine it could be for that as well, and that's a tool that many people use when doing Python & Data type work, which FlareVM makes sense for that situation when it comes to Data Analysis on Malware.

Ana06 commented 2 weeks ago

@emtuls @emtuls is there something against using the community packages @day1player proposed so that we do not have to maintain the two extra packages? (I have just seen his proposal)

We should add either the community packages or the .vm packages to the flare-vm default configuration.