mandiant / flare-fakenet-ng

FakeNet-NG - Next Generation Dynamic Network Analysis Tool
Apache License 2.0
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No Capturing of Source Ip in HTTP Listeners #143

Open rosha16 opened 4 years ago

rosha16 commented 4 years ago

Hi Guys , I really like Fakenet and was trying to create HTTP based listener and the configuration works really well , However when I check the logs of HTTP Listerner , It does not produce any entry of actually who actullay initiated the connection aka the Source Ip , If we bump the verbose logging to GENPKT then Its shows the Ip making conenctions to port 80 or 443 which is not part of HTTP Listner Log though and It just makes it very difficult ot Tie logs together like in SIEM Environment , Please Fix this issue , Thanks in advance for awesome work you guys are doing