mandiant / flare-floss

FLARE Obfuscated String Solver - Automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware.
Apache License 2.0
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rendering slow (language strings) #870

Open mr-tz opened 10 months ago

mr-tz commented 10 months ago

some examples timing floss runs on my system, analysis takes a few seconds, rest of the work is spend rendering (in verbose -v mode):

INFO: floss.language.identify: Go binary found with version 1.18
INFO: floss: extracting language-specific Go strings
INFO: floss: finished execution after 8.08 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
0.06s user 1.75s system 6% cpu 25.983 total

INFO: floss.language.identify: Go binary found with version 1.18
INFO: floss: extracting language-specific Go strings
INFO: floss: finished execution after 3.07 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
0.04s user 0.86s system 7% cpu 12.311 total

INFO: floss.language.identify: Go binary found with version 1.18
INFO: floss: extracting language-specific Go strings
INFO: floss: finished execution after 101.12 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
0.25s user 6.54s system 4% cpu 2:45.87 total

INFO: floss.language.identify: Go binary found with version 1.18
INFO: floss: extracting language-specific Go strings
INFO: floss: finished execution after 8.24 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
0.07s user 1.97s system 7% cpu 28.570 total

INFO: floss: finished execution after 2.11 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
0.15s user 4.64s system 9% cpu 48.345 total

INFO: floss: finished execution after 8.47 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
0.46s user 16.35s system 10% cpu 2:41.52 total

INFO: floss.language.identify: Go binary found with version 1.20
INFO: floss: extracting language-specific Go strings
INFO: floss: finished execution after 3.18 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
0.01s user 0.89s system 7% cpu 12.819 total
williballenthin commented 10 months ago

if the slow code isn't obvious, i've had good luck using py-spy for profiling.

mr-tz commented 8 months ago

already a little bit better now:

INFO: floss.language.identify: Go binary found with version 1.18
INFO: floss: extracting language-specific Go strings
INFO: floss: finished execution after 0.98 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
floss.exe   0.03s user 1.30s system 10% cpu 13.190 total
INFO: floss.language.identify: Go binary found with version 1.18
INFO: floss: extracting language-specific Go strings
INFO: floss: finished execution after 0.86 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
floss.exe   0.03s user 0.58s system 8% cpu 7.019 total
INFO: floss.language.identify: Go binary found with version 1.18
INFO: floss: extracting language-specific Go strings
INFO: floss: finished execution after 5.59 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
floss.exe   0.11s user 4.66s system 9% cpu 48.797 total
INFO: floss.language.identify: Go binary found with version 1.18
INFO: floss: extracting language-specific Go strings
INFO: floss: finished execution after 0.70 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
floss.exe   0.05s user 1.38s system 10% cpu 13.728 total
INFO: floss: finished execution after 1.51 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
floss.exe   0.07s user 3.36s system 10% cpu 31.555 total
INFO: floss: finished execution after 3.90 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
floss.exe   0.33s user 10.67s system 10% cpu 1:42.25 total
INFO: floss.language.identify: Go binary found with version 1.20
INFO: floss: extracting language-specific Go strings
INFO: floss: finished execution after 0.47 seconds
INFO: floss: rendering results
floss.exe   0.02s user 0.57s system 9% cpu 6.183 total
mr-tz commented 8 months ago

details for 12bd5b19b7a74d7de015862a8bbc8a6496c071a243461853ed78e4dbd1142fe7:

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
    814/1    0.014    0.000   31.716   31.716 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    0.007    0.007   31.716   31.716 floss/<module>)
        1    0.003    0.003   30.819   30.819 floss/
        1    0.001    0.001   21.708   21.708 flare-floss\floss\render\
    72213    0.443    0.000   20.344    0.000 flare-floss\venv\lib\site-packages\rich\
        1    0.017    0.017   19.165   19.165 flare-floss\floss\render\
        2    0.305    0.152   19.119    9.559 flare-floss\floss\render\
506523/289779    0.333    0.000    8.042    0.000 {method 'extend' of 'list' objects}
289276/289012    0.375    0.000    6.782    0.000 flare-floss\venv\lib\site-packages\rich\
   288911    0.435    0.000    6.004    0.000 flare-floss\venv\lib\site-packages\rich\
    72213    0.257    0.000    5.433    0.000 flare-floss\venv\lib\site-packages\rich\
    72213    0.244    0.000    5.302    0.000 flare-floss\venv\lib\site-packages\rich\
   216639    0.620    0.000    4.448    0.000 flare-floss\venv\lib\site-packages\rich\
    72296    0.140    0.000    3.722    0.000 flare-floss\venv\lib\site-packages\rich\
    72296    1.135    0.000    3.582    0.000 flare-floss\venv\lib\site-packages\rich\