mandulaj / PZEM-004T-v30

Arduino library for the Updated PZEM-004T v3.0 Power and Energy meter
MIT License
256 stars 108 forks source link

Seeed Wio LTE #109

Open raymannnnnnnnnnn opened 1 year ago

raymannnnnnnnnnn commented 1 year ago

Hi. I'm trying to connect a PZEM004 3.0 to an WIO LTE Cat1 that have a STM32F4 chip. I try to connect via Hardware pins and use hardware serial (the board have an UART grove port) and via Software Serial in pins 38/39, however both processes give errors when compile. Since the chip is an STM32 type shouldn´t compile the sketch to the board witout errors? I connect the PZEM004 to an M5 atom(esp32) and works like a charm, but what i really needed is to connect to the Wio LTE. Thanks in advance