Closed SK-sep closed 3 years ago
Software serial doesn't function with PZEM-004T-v30
Impossible connection with bluetooth. Pins 2 and 3 don't function to include PZEM
Please Help me
SoftwareSerial BT(2, 3); //2 RX, 3 TX. PZEM004Tv30 vat(4, 5); //4 RX, 5 TX.
float v=0; float c=0; float p=0; float e=0; float f=0; float pf=0;
void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); //Abrimos la comunicación serie con el PC y establecemos velocidad BT.begin(9600); //Velocidad del puerto del módulo Bluetooth pinMode(13, OUTPUT); pinMode(12, OUTPUT); pinMode(10, OUTPUT); }
void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (BT.available()) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(200); char dato =; switch (dato){ case 'a': digitalWrite(10, HIGH); break; case 'b': digitalWrite(12, HIGH); break; case 'c': digitalWrite(10, HIGH); break; case 'd': digitalWrite(13, LOW); digitalWrite(12, LOW); digitalWrite(10, LOW); break; case 'e': BT.println("Juan Pablo"); break; case 'f': BT.println("Diego Alberto"); break; case 'g': BT.println("Leidy"); break; case 'h': BT.println("Astrid"); break; case 'i': v = vat.voltage(); if( !isnan(v) ){ BT.print("Voltaje: "); BT.print(v); BT.print("V - "); c = vat.current(); BT.print("Corriente: "); BT.print(c); BT.print("A - "); p = vat.power(); BT.print("Potencia: "); BT.print(p); BT.print(" W - "); e =; BT.print("Energía: "); BT.print(e,3); BT.print(" kWh - "); f = vat.frequency(); BT.print("Frecuencia: "); BT.print(f, 1); BT.print(" Hz - "); pf =; BT.print("PF: "); Serial.println(pf); } else { BT.println("Error en lectura de voltaje"); } BT.println(); vat.resetEnergy(); delay(2000); break; } digitalWrite(13, LOW); } BT.flush(); }
This issue should be resolved with the new library version. I will close it as we have this issue duplicated multiple times.
Hi, what exactly is this issues? Could you please provide more information. Thanks