mandymejia / BayesfMRI

BayesfMRI R package
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Right hemisphere always has resolution of 0 #24

Closed smeisler closed 2 years ago

smeisler commented 2 years ago


I just updated to BayesfMRI 2.0. I also updated all packages (all CRAN packages including ciftiTools, workbench 1.5.0, INLA INLA_22.05.03, R 4.1.3).

I was using surface files that had previously worked for me:

results <- BayesGLM_cifti(
    cifti_fname = fnames_ts[1],
    surfL_fname = fname_gifti_left,
    surfR_fname = fname_gifti_left,
    brainstructures = c("left", "right"),
    onsets = events_1,
    TR = TR,
    nuisance = confounds_1,
    nuisance_include = c("dHRF"),
    scale_BOLD = "auto",
    scale_design = TRUE,
    num.threads =  parallel::detectCores() - 2,
    verbose = TRUE,
    outfile = '/om4/group/gablab/data/ds003126/code/bayesfmri/BayesfMRI_fmriprep_test',
    return_INLA_result = TRUE,
    avg_sessions = TRUE,
    trim_INLA = TRUE,

I get the following error message:


     848 locations removed due to NA or NaN values.
     86 additional locations removed due to low mean.
Error in smooth_cifti(AR_xif, surf_FWHM = FWHM): Cannot smooth because the left and right cortex have unequal inferred resolutions: 9308 and 0.

1. BayesGLM_cifti(cifti_fname = fnames_ts[1], surfL_fname = fname_gifti_left, 
 .     surfR_fname = fname_gifti_left, brainstructures = c("left", 
 .         "right"), onsets = events_1, TR = TR, nuisance = confounds_1, 
 .     nuisance_include = c("dHRF"), scale_BOLD = "auto", scale_design = TRUE, 
 .     num.threads = parallel::detectCores() - 2, verbose = TRUE, 
 .     outfile = "/om4/group/gablab/data/ds003126/code/bayesfmri/BayesfMRI_fmriprep_test", 
 .     return_INLA_result = TRUE, avg_sessions = TRUE, trim_INLA = TRUE, 
 .     )
2. BayesGLM(data = session_data, beta_names = beta_names, mesh = NULL, 
 .     vertices = surf_list[[each_hem]]$vertices, faces = surf_list[[each_hem]]$faces, 
 .     scale_BOLD = scale_BOLD, scale_design = FALSE, Bayes = do_Bayesian, 
 .     EM = do_EM, ar_order = ar_order, ar_smooth = ar_smooth, num.threads = num.threads, 
 .     return_INLA_result = return_INLA_result, outfile = outfile_name, 
 .     verbose = verbose, avg_sessions = avg_sessions, meanTol = meanTol, 
 .     varTol = varTol, emTol = emTol, trim_INLA = trim_INLA)
3. pw_smooth(vertices = mesh$loc, faces = mesh$graph$tv, AR = avg_AR, 
 .     var = avg_var, FWHM = ar_smooth)
4. suppressWarnings(smooth_cifti(AR_xif, surf_FWHM = FWHM))
5. withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) if (inherits(w, 
 .     classes)) tryInvokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
6. smooth_cifti(AR_xif, surf_FWHM = FWHM)
7. stop("Cannot smooth because the left and right cortex have unequal inferred resolutions: ", 
 .     res[1], " and ", res[2], ".")

As a check, I even tried putting in the same surface files for both left and right hemisphere, and got the same error.

Do you know how I might address this?

Best, Steven

smeisler commented 2 years ago

This error also continues after only entering the left hemisphere file and only passing in "left" into the brainstructures argument. Is there a different branch I should be testing?

damondpham commented 2 years ago

Sorry about this issue! Could you attach here your data? Especially the surfaces.

smeisler commented 2 years ago

All relevant files are here:

The specific surface files I was using are and

Edited to add that when I disable AR smoothing, I think it gets past this error.

damondpham commented 2 years ago

I think I fixed a problem in ciftiTools that's causing this bug. Try again with the 10.0 branch of ciftiTools from GitHub?

smeisler commented 2 years ago

It seems to be running past that point, thanks! I'll close when I confirm the outputs look okay.

Edit: works and looks good thanks!