mandymejia / ciftiTools

ciftiTools R package
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Add Schaefer 200 parcellation #45

Closed GerardYu closed 2 years ago

GerardYu commented 2 years ago

hi would it be possible to add the schaefer 200 parcellation to the load_parc function

damondpham commented 2 years ago

Hello @GerardYu !

Thanks for reaching out. I think it's possible, but the package is already pushing the memory limits for CRAN, so we would prefer not to unless it would greatly help our user base. Would making the 200 parcellation available through load_parc allow for a much more convenient workflow for you? (Versus downloading the .dlabel file and reading it in.)

GerardYu commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure how to load the atlas manually using the .dlabel file. But yes if you can include the 200 parcellation in the load_parc function, that would really make things a lot easier for me

damondpham commented 2 years ago

Oh okay! Loading the atlas manually might be quite simple, so let's try that first.

Go here to find the dlabel file:

Perhaps the one you want is Schaefer2018_200Parcels_Kong2022_17Networks_order.dlabel.nii.

You can read this into ciftiTools like so:

parc <- read_cifti("Schaefer2018_200Parcels_Kong2022_17Networks_order.dlabel.nii")

Let me know if this works fine for you!

GerardYu commented 2 years ago

oh yes that works for me!