manfredsteyer / ngx-build-plus

Extend the Angular CLI's default build behavior without ejecting, e. g. for Angular Elements
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Bulding single file Angular application doesn't include Material styles #382

Closed LucaMurarolli closed 1 year ago

LucaMurarolli commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm building an Angular 15 microfrontend with ngx-build-plus version n.15 using this command:

ng build --output-hashing=none --single-bundle=false --bundle-styles=false --keep-styles=false

I've tried --bundle-styles=false --keep-styles=false after reading some posts but nothing changed. The problem is that the final build doesn't include Material Style (I'm using Angular Material 15) and also doesn't care about the main style.scss. I've tried also with the css instead of scss but I had the same result. With ngx-build-plus version n.13 I didn't have any problem.

Has anyone encountered the same problem?

LucaMurarolli commented 1 year ago

After several updates I can tell the issue was due to some package conflict between the microfronted and the containing frontend. I cannot say whichone but after version 15.2.* of Angular dependencies everything seems fine. So I close the issue.