mangecoeur / ipython-desktop

IPython Notebook desktop interface
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Question #1

Closed Carreau closed 10 years ago

Carreau commented 10 years ago

Any relation with ? Maybe there are stuff to take from this project that seem to have stale.

Happy to see a native app I hope you'll be able to hook into more keyboard shortcut than browsers.

mangecoeur commented 10 years ago

No relation, though certainly was part of the inspiration (I've added it to the similar work section).

About keyboard shortcuts, that's an interesting point, I personally don't use them much but I would like to get some kind of feedback going to see what people would like and also to encourage people to contribute.

Carreau commented 10 years ago

Great !

You can probably annouce hat on the IPython ml and add this project to the wiki

We will probably refactor both shortcut and menu in the app at some point, (cf if it might help you integrate into native menu, please chim in.

mangecoeur commented 10 years ago

A refactor would certainly be of great interest - I've been tring to think how to export the menus natively and also how to hook into notebook shortcuts. I'm sure the desktop and web can meet in the middle by having IPython export some kind of api hooks or making use of events and then the desktop hooking into that (I still need to figure out also how to get access to both node-webkit context and ipython notebook context at the same time).

I will also make the announcement as you suggest. Thanks for the feedback too, it's always encouraging when releasing something to see that people are interested!

Carreau commented 10 years ago

Keyboard shortcut should just be a json-dict in IPython 2.0, right now the value of the dict are callbacks, but we are thinking of making them strings that maps to theses functions.

I suppose we can then also have a dict-like structure for the menus.

Also if you want to implement a way to configure IPython from the application itself, we are interested as we want to do it too. IPython already support configuration as json files in the profile to ease theses things, we just need to provide a REST API to work with it.

If you have any feedback on IPython itself, or things we can do to make your life easier, we would be happy to hear it.