mangecoeur / ipython-desktop

IPython Notebook desktop interface
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Feature Request: re-open welcome window / connect to multiple servers #10

Open goerz opened 10 years ago

goerz commented 10 years ago

A nice feature would be to have an option in the menu to re-open the Welcome window, allowing to connect to a different server, or open the directory listing for a server in case the window was accidentally closed.

My use case right now is that I start multiple iPython notebook servers (with different working directories) on the command line, and the have ipython-desktop connect to one of them by setting the correct port number in the configuration. At the moment, I can only connect to on server that way; it would be nice to do multiple connections.

I can do this easily in the browser, of course, but what I like about ipython-deskop is that I have a separate app. In the browser, I always and up with a million open tabs, and it's hard to switch between regular browsing and the tabs running my notebooks easily.

mangecoeur commented 10 years ago

I did think of this use case, but it's quite fiddly to handle, mostly because the mechanism for keeping track of ipython server processes at the moment is very primitive. I tried to design the desktop experience to be more like a regular app, when you close the welcome window the server is stopped. It could definitely be more refined. Specifically I would like some way of starting the server as a child process to make sure it is always killed when the parent process terminates. At the moment I could sort of handle the scenario you suggest but a lot of failiure cases would result in orphaned ipython processes. Not got enough time just now to fix this properly, but its definitely on the cards at some point.