mangos / MaNGOS

This is the master Information repository for MaNGOS
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SPAMM #119

Closed Schmoozerd closed 11 years ago

Schmoozerd commented 11 years ago


-- Censorship by billy1arm - enjoy mangos in a free spirit

ghost commented 11 years ago

I guess the truth hurts, the MaNGOS Dictatorship

Is Salja from North Korea?

ghost commented 11 years ago

i don't understand wtf is happening

billy1arm commented 11 years ago

The cMangos team are bored

Exxenoz commented 11 years ago

You can read at least a part of the original message here: ...

ghost commented 11 years ago

from what i've read/heard cMangos team has been banned without any reason from, they wanted to know why (this why an issue has been created) and salja just removed it.

MaNGOS wants to go private & now ban everyone that doesn't agree ? @TheLuda where is the old and awesome community ? where is the freedom ? looks like it's all gone to me that's a shame

billy1arm commented 11 years ago

X-Savior was banned for spamming abuse, MaNGOS has no intention of going private.

Schmoozerd commented 11 years ago

actually no. I personally don't care about the forums at - however i have a big problems with people writing PMs to me, and i am not able to see these PMs, respond to them, and the author of the PM would not know why.

Hence i made a public post stating that PMs towards me on mangos forums are not working and people trying to reach me must use some reliable way, for which i suggested the SD2 forums.

As the original statement was deleted immediately here, i checked the "activity" messages on my github account. There i could see that unfortunately only the headline of a created issue is stored, so i created a new issue with a headline having this issue's content in short form to keep the message stored.

billy1arm commented 11 years ago

Your initial comment was fine, but was quickly hijacked by others

michalpolko commented 11 years ago

that's just sad...

kajuvra commented 11 years ago