mangosR2 / mangos

Production (stable and testing) versions of current mangosR2 v2 server (World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, 3.3.5a client).
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Bugs in SOTA #234

Closed Undergarun closed 11 years ago

Undergarun commented 13 years ago
  1. Some times after first round, players are not correctly teleported to boats.
  2. [FIXED] Trying to disable seaforium charges, console spams "2011-12-02 23:18:15 "ERROR:WorldSession::HandleCastSpellOpcode: Player Undergarun (Guid: 206) casts spell 1843 which he shouldn't have". so players of the opposite faction are unable to disable seaforium charges.
  3. Related to vehicles i thought: Tanks should allow passengers to get out from vehicles position without vehicle_accessory. On retail the red arrow appears and allow players to get out tanks. Also player should be able to switch position.
  4. [FIXED] Boats from first round must be despawned at the begining of second round.
  5. [FIXED] 2011-12-06 05:15:21 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7625 for map 607 but map not have instance script 2011-12-06 05:15:21 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7628 for map 607 but map not have instance script
tibbi commented 12 years ago

console spam should be fixed with latest commit

boxa commented 12 years ago

Seaforium charges are not working now on SOTA, "Not valid area message". Can be placed in the east and west graveyards only.

Fixed in [mr1321]

tibbi commented 12 years ago

not sure if that fixes it, I also have area = 4384, map = 0 set in item_template, and it works well.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

also, what should be the respawn time of demolishers ?

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

Seaforium charges and demolishers has about 10 seconds of respawn time.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

meh, the 1 day respawn time from SpawnEvent, issue , keeps overriding it the 10 secs respawn done via scripts :/ Atm, without rewriting SpawnEvent, I could give just instant respawn, not 10 secs. Guess SpawnEvent should be modified tho, to take respawn from db.

michalpolko commented 12 years ago

we were discussing this...

tibbi commented 12 years ago

ye, thats what i mean. replacing RESPAWN_ONE_DAY with the db value

tibbi commented 12 years ago

2 and 4 should be fixed on latest. 3 is already ok with Boxa's fix too, tested on r2. Weird that i didnt have to apply that fix, it works for me with area 4384 filled there :/

tibbi commented 12 years ago

"tibbi, teleport char (teleportNear) to coords of group leader immediately, after teleport in map."

That wont work, because as a player joins a battleground, while the ship is already moving, SendTransportInit makes the ships appear already at the dock for the new player. So if a player joins a bg while ships are moving, he would just fall to the water, as he sees the ship already at the dock.

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

Issue updated with new info.

rsa commented 12 years ago

3 - your not true. need find correct seat_creature for fill accessory table for this, seat types on vehicles (exclude driver) support only accessory, not players. see my rework of IOC siege tank.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

ive noticed, that always just the first bracket version spawns in SotA O.o So even if the battleground demolisher has a normal entry and difficulty_entry_1, and in creature table it has higher spawnmask, like 3, or even 15, always just the normal entry is spawned, that has lvl 70 set. I checked all IDs, but everything looks ok. There should be a 70-79, and 80-85 bracket. I tested with lvl 70, and 85 too, but always the same version spawned. Those brackets are set somewhere in db ?

tibbi commented 12 years ago

actually as I see, its correct on r2.. Any ideas what am i missing? that always the lvl 70 bracket activates?

tibbi commented 12 years ago

nevermind, we had some weird hack there X.x

tibbi commented 12 years ago

2 . do you have ?

  1. fixed
  2. there is sendtransportremove, not sure why doesnt it work. But as Ive heard, it keeps happening on blizz too.
  3. that works well for me, works on r2 too. If you mean those statistics in BGs at kills, deaths... Works for both rounds.
Undergarun commented 12 years ago

@rsa IoC siege tank works perfectly :P Issue with demolishers.

rsa commented 12 years ago

need accurate work under demolishers, like maked on siege tank.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

If a player carrying seaforium charges dies, the charge should spawn a bomb on his corpse. It should work according to . Problem is, that carrying a charge gives a debuff , and if that debuff is anyhow removed, even right clicked, the bomb will be removed from the bag. Now, since debuff 52418 is removed from the player sooner than 52417 is cast, the bomb wont be dropped on the ground and 52417 isnt even cast, since its missing its reagent, the bomb. Guess its understandable :p Removing the reagent from should solve it, or making it forces or sth like that, so it doesnt check for the reagent.

michalpolko commented 12 years ago
  1. You used a hack, this aura should proc at death (like the buff of DK in the beginning zone where proc summons a valkyr that revives the DK).
  2. Triggering the spell at aura removal (should be before removal in fact) doesn't do the trick?
tibbi commented 12 years ago

by hack you mean player->CastSpell(player, 52417, false); ? Not sure what you mean by the 2nd point. Anyway a question. Are we sure that the correct titan relic is the one with id 192829, and not 194082 and 194083 spawned separately for alli and horde, with factions set in db ? Cause i think Ill hardcode their factions in db like bombs have and spawn separately + make interactive if the shrine gate is destroyed.

michalpolko commented 12 years ago

By hack I mean:

void BattleGroundSA::HandleKillPlayer(Player* player, Player* killer)

    player->CastSpell(player, 52417, false);

    BattleGround::HandleKillPlayer(player, killer);

This should be done with proc event.

tibbi commented 12 years ago

as ive told, 2. gets fixed with Also fixed 5. with latest commit, the bug was just at ytdb. Not sure about the 1., I fixed a few cases already, not sure if it still happens sometimes.

Undergarun commented 12 years ago

Issues 1 and 3 still active.

raynar commented 12 years ago

with last .sql the point 4 still bug :(

Add new bug: You can heal the tanks and should not :(

tibbi commented 12 years ago

point 4 is weird, I was trying to fix it, but couldnt :/ Currently only the ship on your side (if you are the attacker) is not despawned, so right the wrong one. The one on the other side despawns well. At least that happens on my server.

ghost commented 12 years ago

@Undergarun @rsa all of this bug's, i think it's fixed.

rsa commented 12 years ago

no, not fixed at least issues from ships. only temphacked.

michalpolko commented 12 years ago

btw. tibbi AFAIK is now working on TC fork on GC server, so prolly you can remove him from r2 team without worries ;P I personally don't like "ghost members", it's better to know and see who actually is working in this team.

"Organization Members (22)" but around 5-7 of them are actually pushing anything into repo ;/

rsa commented 12 years ago

less then 5-7, to my deep regret ... also not 22, but over 30 (some hidden). no sence cleanup - space enough for everyone :)